خفر السواحل اليمنية (مصلحة خفر السواحل «رسمياً») تم تأسيسها في عام 2003. لها دور الدرك والملاحة في الموانئ والمياه الإقليمية اليمنية.[1]
تمتلك اليمن أكثر من 2000 كيلو متر من الخط الساحلي.
وتتضمن واجبات خفر السواحل مكافحة التهريب والهجرة غير المشروعة والقرصنة.[1][2]
قالت تقارير اليمن بوست أن قوات «خفر السواحل اليمنية» شاركت في القتال مع العناصر الفاسدة من أجهزة الأمن اليمنية الأخرى.[3]
بعض من أسطولها كانت سابقا من سفن خفر السواحل في الولايات المتحدة، أو بنيت على نفس تصميم سفن أوسكج.[4]
ووفقا صحيفة وول ستريت جورنال يمكن استئجار شركات الشحن لنا مدربين «خفر السواحل اليمنية» للمساعدة في حراسة سفنها خلال مرورها المياه اليمنية.[5]
The tasks of coastguard forces are stipulated in the establishment decree, and these tasks are varied. The coastguard forces have security and not military functions, including keeping order in Yemeni ports and launching patrols in Yemeni coasts and regional waters. Other tasks are limiting illegal immigration, protecting national waters against indiscriminate fishing, protecting environment against pollution, fighting piracy, rescue and search activities.
A coastal defense commander told reporters that a naval force patrol had detected the attempt on Tuesday and intervened to prevent the hijacking. The oil tanker continued on its way to the Port of Aden, he said.
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: صيانة الاستشهاد: BOT: original URL status unknown (link)
Clashes erupted Wednesday between coastguards and border security forces in Hudaida province when coastguards searched boats suspected of carrying smuggled goods. Local sources said the confrontations started when border security forces prevented coastguards from doing their job to inspect suspected fishing boats, adding such clashes between the forces are not new.
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: صيانة الاستشهاد: BOT: original URL status unknown (link)
Since 2003, the USCG has delivered eight 44-foot Motor Life Boats, twelve 25-foot Defender Response Boats, and four 42-foot Fast Response Boats (SPC-NLB) to the Yemen Coast Guard. The USCG has also provided 26 mobile training team visits and 54 resident training slots in USCG schools to the Yemen Coast Guard.
The Yemeni Coast Guard, working through private companies, is renting out servicemen and patrol boats—including vessels given to Yemen by the U.S.—for commercial ships seeking armed escorts against piracy.