لا يزال النص الموجود في هذه الصفحة في مرحلة الترجمة إلى العربية. |
استعراض الأجهزة (بالإنجليزية: ROS)، هو أسلوب يستخدم من قبل الممارس الصحي من أجل الحصول على التاريخ الطبي للمريض. غالبا ما يكون منظم كعنصر من عناصر استمارة القبول لتغطي أجهزة الجسم، مع التركيز على الأعراض الخاصة بكل جهاز. [1]
أياَ كانت الحالة المرضية تبدو خاصة بجاهز معين من الجسم يجب مراجعة باقي الأجهزة أثناء أخذ التاريخ الطبي للمريض.
هناك 14 جهاز معترف به من قبل مراكز الرعاية الطبية والخدمات الطبية:[2]
الجهاز | أمثلة |
عَرَض بنيوي | نقص الوزن غير المفسّر التعرق الليلي |
العين | تغيّر في الرؤية صداع |
الأذن، الأنف، الفم، الحنجرة |
سيلان الأنف نزيف الأنف |
الجهاز الدوري | ألم صدر ضيق التنفس |
Respiratory | cough, sputum, wheeze, haemoptysis, shortness of breath, exercise intolerance |
Gastrointestinal | abdominal pain, unintentional weight loss, difficulty swallowing (solids vs liquids), indigestion, bloating, cramping, anorexia, food avoidance, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea/constipation, inability to pass gas (obstipation), vomiting blood (haematemesis), bright red blood per rectum (BRBPR, hematochezia), foul smelling dark black tarry stools (melaena), dry heaves of the bowels (tenesmus) |
Genitourinary | Urinary: Irritative vs Obstructive symptoms: Micturition – incontinence, dysuria, haematuria, nocturia, polyuria, hesitancy, terminal dribbling, decreased force of stream Genital: Vaginal – discharge, pain, Menses – frequency, regularity, heavy or light (ask about excessive use of pads/tampons, staining of clothes, clots always indicate heavy bleeding), duration, pain, first day of last menstrual period (LMP), gravida/para/abortus, menarche, menopause, contraception (if relevant), date of last smear test and result |
Musculoskeletal | pain, misalignment, stiffness (morning vs day long; improves/worsens with activity), joint swelling, decreased range of motion, crepitus, functional deficit, arthritis |
Integumentary/Breast | pruritus, rashes, stria, lesions, wounds, incisions, acanthosis nigricans, nodules, tumors, eczema, excessive dryness and/or discoloration. Breast pain, soreness, lumps, or discharge. |
Neurological | Special senses – any changes in sight, smell, hearing and taste, seizures, faints, fits, funny turns, headache, pins and needles (paraesthesiae) or numbness, limb weakness, poor balance, speech problems, sphincter disturbance, higher mental function and psychiatric symptoms |
Psychiatric | depression, sleep patterns, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, body image, work and school performance, paranoia, anhedonia, lack of energy, episodes of mania, episodic change in personality, expansive personality, sexual or financial binges |
Endocrine | Hyperthyroid: prefer cold weather, mood swings, sweaty, diarrhoea, oligomenorrhoea, weight loss despite increased appetite, tremor, palpitations, visual disturbances; Hypothyroid – prefer hot weather, slow, tired, depressed, thin hair, croaky voice, heavy periods, constipation, dry skin |
Hematologic/lymphatic | anemia, purpura, petechia, results from routine hemolytic diseases screening, prolonged or excessive bleeding after dental extraction / injury, use of anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs (including aspirin), family history of hemophilia, history of a blood transfusion, refused for blood donation |
Allergic/immunologic | "Difficulty breathing" or "choking" (anaphylaxis) as a result of exposure to anything (and state what; e.g. "bee sting"). Swelling or pain at groin(s), axilla(e) or neck (swollen lymph nodes/glands), allergic response (rash/itch) to materials, foods, animals (e.g. cats); reaction to bee sting, unusual sneezing (in response to what), runny nose or itchy/teary eyes; food, medication or environmental allergy test(s) results. |