

كاماخيا (بالإنجليزية: Kamakhya)‏، إلهة أم، هي إلهة شاكتية تنترية. تعتبر تجسيدا لكاما (الرغبة)، وتعتبر إلهة الرغبة.[1] يقع مسكنها - معبد كاماخيا - في منطقة كاماروبا في ولاية آسام، الهند.[2][3]


  1. ^ Urban، Hugh B. (ديسمبر 2008). "Matrix of Power: Tantra, Kingship, and Sacrifice In the Worship of Mother Goddess Kamakhya". Journal of South Asian studies. ج. 31 ع. 3: 501. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2022-11-23.
  2. ^ "Seated on top of Nīlacala hill on the banks of the Brahmaputra river in the state of Assam, Northeast India, Kamakhya temple is one of the oldest and most revered centres of Tantric practice in South Asia. Since at least the eighth century, the region of Kamarupa (the ‘place’ or ‘form of desire’, or Assam) has been recognised as one of the most important of the sakta pīthas (‘seats of power’) or centres of goddess worship that dot the sacred landscape of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh." (Urban 2019:256)
  3. ^ "The Nilacala (blue hill) in Assam, the sacred abode of the well-known goddess Kamakhya has been one of the most significant Sakta-Tantric centres from the early medieval period and attracts millions of devotees from the neighboring states even today." Shin (2010, p. 3)