↑Probably the feminine present participle of medein, "to protect, rule over" (American Heritage Dictionary; compare Medon, Medea, Diomedes, etc.). If not, it is from the same root, and is formed after the participle. OED 2001 revision, s.v.; medein in LSJ.
↑Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 793–799; Edited and Translated by Alan H. Sommerstein. "Persians, Seven Against Thebes, Suppliants, Prometheus Bound", (Loeb Classical Library) Harvard University Press, 2008, p. 531.
↑(Pythian Ode 12). Noted by Marjorie J. Milne in discussing a red-figured vase in the style of Polygnotos, ca. 450–30 BC, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art; Milne noted that "It is one of the earliest illustrations of the story to show the Gorgon not as a hideous monster but as a beautiful woman. Art in this respect lagged behind poetry." (Marjorie J. Milne, "Perseus and Medusa on an Attic Vase" The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin New Series, 4.5 (January 1946, pp. 126–130) 126.p.)
↑Ovid, Metamorphoses 4.798: "the Sovereign of the Sea attained her love in chaste Minerva's temple" (Brookes More translation) or "in Minerva’s temple Neptune, lord of the Ocean, ravished her" (Frank Justus Miller translation, as revised by G. P. Goold) Whether Ovid means that Medusa was a willing participant is unclear. Hard, p. 61, says she was "seduced"; Grimal, s.v. Gorgons, p. 174, says she was "ravished"; Tripp, s.v. Medusa, p. 363 says she "yielded". In the original Latin text, Ovid uses the verb "vitiasse" which is translated to mean "violate" or "corrupt" line 798.
↑Hesiod, Theogony 281; Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheke Book II, part iv, nos. 1–3. "The Library: Books 1–3.9." Translated by J.G. Frazer, (Loeb Classical Library), Harvard University Press, 1921 (reprint), pp. 155–161.
↑Pratt, A. (1994). Archetypal empowerment in poetry: Medusa, Aphrodite, Artemis, and bears : a gender comparison. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. আই.এচ.বি.এন.0-253-20865-3