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এই সাঁচটো সাঁচ বিন্যাসৰ জটিল বৈশিষ্টৰে পৰিপূৰ্ণ।
এই সাঁচটো সম্পাদনা কৰাৰ আগতে আপুনি ইয়াৰ ব্যৱস্থাপনা আৰু পাৰ্চাৰ ফাংচন সম্পৰ্কে ভালকৈ জনাতো বাঞ্চনীয়। যদি আপোনাৰ সম্পাদনাই অবাঞ্চিত সমস্যাৰ সৃষ্টি কৰিছে, অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি অতি সোনকালে ইয়াক পূৰ্বৱত কৰক কিয়নো এই সাঁচটো অসংখ্য পৃষ্ঠাত ব্যৱহৃত হৈ থাকিবও পাৰে। মনত ৰাখিব যে, এই সাঁচটোত পৰিবৰ্তন ঘটোৱাৰ আগত আপুনি যিকোনো ধৰণৰ পৰীক্ষা, আৰু সাঁচটো উন্নীতকৰণৰ পৰীক্ষামূলক কাৰ্য সাধাৰণ সাঁচ পৰীক্ষাগাৰ অথবা আপোনাৰ সদস্য স্থানত কৰিব পাৰে। |
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This project or template has a transwiki guide to help editors adapt it to a remote wiki when this cannot be done by simply copying the codes of one single template. See সাঁচ:Convert/Transwiki guide for instructions. |
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The Template:Convert and most of its high-risk subtemplates have been protected so that only admins can edit them. Discuss proposed changes on the Convert talk-page. |
This template shows measurement quantities as primary and converted secondary units (or ranges), with optional rounding, wikilinks, abbreviation, or US spellings, and various separators including: parentheses "( )", "or", hyphens, comma, "to" or dashes. The can help users by generating correct conversions from one unit of measurement to another, particularly for more complex units. It's also useful by making the text adhere to the Manual of Style. The text the template generates does not differ from a plain text equivalent, however.
Styles include: distance "৩২ মিটাৰ (105 ফুট)" and "32 মিটাৰs or 105 ফুট"; temperature "18 °C (64 °F)"; mass "৫৫.০ কেজি (১২১ পাউণ্ড)" or "৬৫ ৰ পৰা ৮০ কেজি (১৪০ ৰ পৰা ১৮০ পাউণ্ড)"; etc. For units see: Convert/list of units.
Options include: | lk=in , abbr=on , abbr=off , sp=us , adj=on , adj=mid , disp=x , disp=table and sortable=on (explained below). By default, output is rounded to match the precision of input; alternatives include: sigfig=3 or using the end parameter, such as "|1 " to show tenths or "|-2 " to show full 100's, etc.
Single value:
Range of 2 values, or set of 3 or 4 (see below for list of range options):
{{convert|val1|range|val2 |in_unit|out_unit|round_to|...}} {{convert/3 |val1|range|val2|words|val3|in_unit|out_unit|round_to|...}} {{convert/4 |val1|words|val2|words|val3|words|val4|in_unit|out_unit|...}}
will directly convert the km/s to mph, as in সাঁচ:Convert/km/s.oz
, for example, is for the avoirdupois ounce (a unit of mass), do not use this if you want fluid ounces. Note also that the code lb
gives pounds mass, for pounds force use lbf
.Input | Displays as |
{{convert|3.21|kg|lb}} | ৩.২১ কিলোগ্ৰাম (৭.১ পাউণ্ড) |
{{convert|3.21|kg|lb|0}} | ৩.২১ কিলোগ্ৰাম (৭ পাউণ্ড) |
{{convert|10|kg|lb|disp=or}} | ১০ কিলোগ্ৰামs or ২২ pounds |
{{convert|6|ft|5|in|m}} | 6 ফুট 5 ইঞ্চি (2.0 মিটাৰ) |
{{convert|10|mi}} | ১০ মাইল (16 km) |
{{convert|100|mpgus}} | 100 miles per US gallon (2.4 লি/১০০ কি.মি; 120 mpg-imp) |
{{convert|120|km/h}} | ১২০ kilometres per hour (75 mph) |
{{convert|18|°C|°F}} | 18 °C (64 °F) |
{{convert|9|e6USgal|abbr=off}} | সাঁচ:Convert/e6USgalসাঁচ:Convert/test/Aoff The "e6" scales the input to millions; the "abbr=off" yields the "mega" in the output. Scaling is only available for Single value conversions. Not all units are supported. |
{{convert|1250|sqft|m2|lk=in|sigfig=2}} | 1,250 square feet (116 বৰ্গ মিটাৰ) Note 'lk=in' links only the input unit. This example is for illustration only, common units of measurement should not be linked. See: wp:overlink. |
{{convert|20.5|m3|cuyd|lk=out|abbr=on}} | 20.5 মি৩ (26.8 কিউবিক য়াৰ্দ) Note 'lk=out' links only the output unit, cu yd. |
{{convert|641|acre|ha sqmi|lk=on}} | 641 একৰs (সাঁচ:Convert/ha sqmi) Note 'lk=on' links all units. Per guidelines, common units should not be linked. See: wp:overlink. |
{{convert|641|acre|ha sqmi|2|lk=on}} | 641 একৰs (সাঁচ:Convert/ha sqmi) Although 640 acres equals 1 square mile; 641 acres rounded to two decimal places equals 1.00 sq mi. |
Input | Displays as |
{{convert|60|and|170|kg|lb}} | সাঁচ:Convert/and/AoffSoff (সাঁচ:Convert/and/AonSoff) |
{{convert|60|to|170|kg|lb}} | সাঁচ:Convert/to/AoffSoff (১৩০ ৰ পৰা ৩৭০ পাউণ্ড) |
{{convert|60|to(-)|170|kg|lb}} | সাঁচ:Convert/to(-)/AoffSoff (সাঁচ:Convert/to(-)/AonSoff) |
{{convert|60|-|170|kg|lb}} | ৬০–১৭০ কিলোগ্ৰামs (১৩০–৩৭০ পাউণ্ড) |
{{convert|41|to|50|F|C}} | 41 ৰ পৰা 50 °F (5 to 10 °C) |
{{convert|41|-|50|F|K}} | 41–50 °F (5–53 K) |
{{convert|60|x|120|m|ft}} | সাঁচ:Convert/x/AoffSoff (সাঁচ:Convert/x/AonSoff) |
{{convert|60|+/-|10|m|ft}} | সাঁচ:Convert/±/AoffSoff (সাঁচ:Convert/±/AonSoff) |
{{convert|19|to|27|L|USgal}} | সাঁচ:Convert/to/AoffSoff (5.0 ৰ পৰা 7.1 US গেলন) |
{{convert|5|to|7|L|USgal}} | সাঁচ:Convert/to/AoffSoff (1.3 ৰ পৰা 1.8 US গেলন) |
{{convert|4|-|9|L|USgal|abbr=off}} | সাঁচ:Convert/Dual/LoffAnoneDbSoffসাঁচ:Convert/test/Aoff |
The following conversions are currently not available as a range of values:
Input | Displays as |
{{convert/3 |2|x|4|x|6|m|ft}} | সাঁচ:Convert/3 |
{{convert/3 |60|-|70|-|80|kg|lb}} | সাঁচ:Convert/3 |
{{convert/4 |60|-|70|-|80|-|90|kg|lb}} | সাঁচ:Convert/4 |
{{convert/3 |60|to|80|or|85|m|ft}} | সাঁচ:Convert/3 |
{{convert/3 |11|by|15|rarely|16|ft|m}} | সাঁচ:Convert/3 |
{{convert/3 |41|to|50|to|60|F|C}} | সাঁচ:Convert/3 |
{{convert/4 |2|to|12|, in summer|25|to|36|C|F}} | সাঁচ:Convert/4 |
{{convert/3 |41|-|50|almost|51|F|K}} | সাঁচ:Convert/3 |
For {{convert/3}} or {{convert/4}}, the separator words can be any text.
Parameters | |
Use US spelling | attach |sp=us
Make units linked | attach |lk=on to link all units (default: lk=off)attach |lk=in to link only the input unitsattach |lk=out to link only the output units(The manual of style suggests that you should not link common units of measurement). |
Use the adjective form, or insert mid-text words | attach |adj=on (e.g. "190-foot (58 m) bridge" instead of "190 feet...").
Note 1: Any rounding-parameter should follow the mid-text: "text|0".
Abbreviate units, or not | attach |abbr=on to show unit symbolsattach |abbr=off to show all unit names in full wordsattach |abbr=in to abbreviate input unitsattach |abbr=out to abbreviate output unitsattach |abbr=values to suppress unit names & show only values. So, {{convert|6|mi|abbr=values}} gives: 6 (9.7)সাঁচ:Convert/test/Avalues.
Change "( )" to display other separators | attach |disp=or to put "or" between units.The default value is: disp=b for brackets/parentheses. |
Change "( )" to customized separators | attach |disp=x| (begin | end) to show "xx (begin yy end)" See example 1attach |disp=x|; to show "xx; yy" See example 2attach |disp=x| (same as |) to show "xx (same as yy)". See example 3Example 1: {{convert|9|km|mi|disp=x| [|]}}→9 kilometres [5.6 mi] (note space before [|) Example 2: {{convert|9|km|mi|disp=x|;}}→9 kilometres;5.6 mi Example 3: {{convert|10|km|mi|disp=x| (about |)}}→10 kilometres (about 6.2 mi) (note spaces used within the code). |
Display output only | attach |disp=output only to show result number & unitattach |disp=output number only to show just numberNote when using "disp=output only" then the unit name can still be shown as full words by abbr=off or linked by lk=on. Example: {{convert|7500|acre|m2|disp=output only }} → সাঁচ:Convert/LoffAoffDoutput onlySoffNa |
Display units inverted as reverse order | attach |disp=flip to reverse the order & show output unit first.So, {{convert|6|km|disp=flip}} shows "3.7 miles (6 km)". To get symbol "mi" use abbr=in, to abbreviate the input unit (left-side unit). |
Display unit name (only) | attach |disp=unit to show the unit name for a symbolThe unit name will be plural when the amount is not 1, or hyphenated when adj=on. So, {{convert|2|cuyd|disp=unit}} shows "cubic yards" plural. |
Display amounts as table cells | attach |disp=table (or |disp=tablecen) Note: For use in tables, the template must start on a new line after a pipe. Only the number will be displayed unless you set |abbr=on , |lk=on , |lk=in or |lk=out . Example: here
Round to a specified number of significant figures | attach |sigfig={some integer greater than zero} . In the case of temperatures Celsius or Fahrenheit this refers to the difference with the absolute-zero temperature. For example, at room temperature two significant digits means rounded to tens of degrees.
Round by 5 | attach |disp=5 to round the output amount to the nearest 5 units. Not supported for all options. |
Let Convert decide the unit to convert to | skip the precision parameter (the 3rd or 4th unnamed parameter) e.g. {{convert|100|km|ft}} gives ১০০ kilometre (3,30,000 ফুট) and {{convert|100|km}} gives ১০০ kilometre (62 মাইল).
Display input value with a fraction | {{convert|3/8|in|mm|3|abbr=on}} → 3⁄8 in (9.525 mm) or {{convert|11+1/4|in|cm|2|abbr=on}} → 11 in (28.58 cm)
1⁄4 For negative amounts, use two minus signs (hyphens): -11-1/4. |
Generate a hidden sort key for use with a sortable table | attach |sortable=on to generate a hidden sort key so that sortable tables will sort correctly. This uses {{ntsh}} to generate a sort key from the first numeric value. It ignores any additional values, ie, if you use 6|ft|2|in as the value, it will only use the 6 for the sort key. This will cause numeric values to sort in numeric order, ie: 5, 10, 15 instead of 10, 15, 5.
Parameters still under construction. May not work in all situations | |
disp=5[note 1] | The output will be rounded to the nearest 5 units. Might not work when linking unit names. |
disp=tablecen[note 1] | Similar to disp=table except that the values with be centered within the column. See the tables at La Nouvelle branch, BM-21 Grad for in use examples. |
abbr=in | Abbreviates only the input unit. |
abbr=out | Abbreviates only the output unit. |
disp=br | This separates input and output units with a forced line break. This can be useful in tables with limited horizontal space. |
disp=sqbr | Shows square brackets "[ ]" instead of parentheses "( )" in output. Example: 55 miles [89 km]. This option can be used in direct quotes, to show conversions in editorial brackets. See: attach |disp=x|[|] , above, as another way of showing brackets "[ ]".
Convert supports four types of rounding:
|sigfig={some integer greater than zero}
as noted above.Examples of default rounding | ||
Input | Displays as | Note |
{{convert|550|ft|m|0}} | ৫৫০ ফুট (168 মিটাৰ) | Approximate value is 167.64 m |
{{convert|550|ft|m}} | ৫৫০ ফুট (170 মিটাৰ) | Rounds to 170, when approximate value is 167.64 m |
{{convert|500|ft|m|0}} | ৫০০ ফুট (152 মিটাৰ) | Approximate value is 152.4 m |
{{convert|500|ft|m}} | ৫০০ ফুট (150 মিটাৰ) | Rounds to 150, when approximate value is 152.4 m |
The table below lists units supported by this template. It is divided up according to the quantity being measured. Not all supported units are listed here; there are links to more complete lists for each quantity.
The codes listed in the code column (column 3) are accepted as input by the template. These can be used as the second or third unnamed parameter. For some units there exist alternative codes. These are listed in brackets and have been incorporated to make the code more flexible for editors, e.g. °F or F may be entered.
The codes listed in the combinations column (column 7) can be used to produce multiple conversions. They can only be used as the third unnamed parameter, e.g. {{convert|55|nmi|km mi}}
produces "৫৫ নেন মাইল (102 কি.মি.; 63 মাইল)".
Abridged list of units supported by {{Convert}} | ||||||
ব্যাখ্যা | ||||||
পদ্ধতি | একক | সংকেত | প্ৰতীক/সংক্ষেপ | তথ্য | পৰিৱৰ্তন গুণিতক | ব্যৱহাৰ |
যি পদ্ধতিত এই একক ব্যৱহৃত হয় | নামৰ ক্ৰমানুসৰি একক | এই টেমপ্লেট ব্যৱহাৰৰ বাবে ব্যৱহৃত সংকেত | টেমপ্লেটত যিদৰে এই প্ৰতীক দেখা যাব | সাধাৰণভাবে বা বিশেষ ক্ষেত্ৰত এই টেমপ্লেটত এককৰ ব্যৱহাৰ সম্পৰ্কিত তথ্য | SI মূল এককৰ পৰা বা প্ৰতি পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ যি গুণিতক এই টেমপ্লেটত ব্যৱহৃত হৈছে | একাধিক পৰিবৰ্তনৰ সংকেত
দৈৰ্ঘ্য (পূৰ্ণ তালিকা) | ||||||
প্ৰথা | একক | সংকেত (বিকল্প) |
সংক্ষেপ | টোকা | conversion factor/m | combinations |
SI | মিলিমিটাৰ | Mm | মি.মি. | US spelling: megameter |
0.001 | |
kilomet{{{r}}} | km | km | US spelling: kilometer |
1,000 |
| |
মিটাৰ | m | মিটাৰ | US spelling: meter |
1 |
| |
centimet{{{r}}} | cm | cm | US spelling: centimeter |
0.01 |
| |
millimet{{{r}}} | mm | mm | US spelling: millimeter |
0.001 |
| |
মাইক্ৰমিটাৰ | μm (um) | µm | US spelling: micrometer |
0.000001 | ||
নেনোমিটাৰ | nm | nm | US spelling: nanometer |
0.000000001 | ||
non-SI metric | আংষ্ট্ৰম | Å (angstrom) |
Å | 0.0000000001 | ||
Imperial & US customary |
মাইল | mi | মাইল | 1,609.344 |
| |
ফাৰ্লং | furlong | 201.168 | ||||
শিকলি | chain | 20.1168 | ||||
ৰড | rd | rd | For other names of this unit see the full list. | 5.0292 | ||
Fathom | fathom | assumes 1 fathom ≡ 6 ft | 1.8288 | |||
গজ | yd | yd | assumes the international definition | 0.9144 | ||
ফুট | ft (foot) | ফুট | The foot code will produce foot as the plural form. | 0.3048 |
| |
হাত | hand | h | 0.1016 | |||
inch | in | in | 0.0254 |
| ||
Other | নেন মাইল | nmi | nmi | the international standard nautical mile For other nautical miles see the full list. |
1,852 | |
পাৰছেক | pc | পাৰছেক | 3.0856775814672×10 16 | |||
আলোকবৰ্ষ | ly | ly | 9.4607304725808×10 15 | |||
জ্যোতিৰ্বিদ্যাৰ একক | AU | জ্যোতিৰ্বিদ্যাৰ একক | 1,49,59,78,70,700 |
| ||
AREA (Full list) | ||||||
system | unit | unit- code |
abbrev- iation |
notes | conversion factor/m2 | combinations |
SI | বৰ্গ কি.মি. | km2 | বৰ্গ কি.মি. | US spelling: square kilometer |
10,00,000 |
square met{{{r}}} | m2 | বৰ্গ মিটাৰ | US spelling: square meter |
1 |
| |
non-SI metric | হেক্টৰ | ha | হেক্টৰ | 10,000 | ||
Imperial & US customary |
বৰ্গ মাইল | sqmi | বৰ্গ মাইল | 25,89,988.110336 |
| |
একৰ | acre | 4,046.856422 |
সাঁচ:Convert/sqyd সাঁচ:Convert/list of units/rowbr
| |||
square inch | sqin | sq in | 0.00064516 |
| ||
Other |
The above documentation is transcluded from সাঁচ:Convert/doc. (edit | history) Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (create | mirror) and testcases (create) pages. Please add categories and interwikis to the /doc subpage. Subpages of this template. |