
Clasificación científica
Reinu: Animalia
Filu: Arthropoda
Subfilu: Hexapoda
Clas: Insecta
Orde: Lepidoptera
Suborde: Glossata
Infraorde: Heteroneura
(ensin clasif.): Ditrysia
Superfamilia: Papilionoidea
Familia: Lycaenidae
Subfamilia: Polyommatinae
Tribu: Polyommatini
Xéneru: Celastrina
(Tutt, 1906)
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Celastrina ye un xéneru de caparines ditrysias perteneciente a la familia Lycaenidae que se distribúin per tol mundu.

La Celastrina que se ve volar n'Asturies ye la Celastrina argiolus.[1][2]

El so habitat ye diversu, zona de arbustos, calees,  campos húmedos y secos en márxenes de monte o nes sos escamplaes.

Ye una caparina madrugadora en cada primavera.


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  1. (castellán) http://www.asturnatura.com/especie/celastrina-argiolus.html Celastrina argiolus
  2. (n'inglés) en Funet


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  • Eliot, J. N. and Kawazoe, A., 1983. Blue butterflies of the Lycaenopsis group: 1-309, 6 pls. London.
  • Hsu, Y.-F., 1987: A New Subspecies of Celastrina sugitanii Matsumura from Taiwan (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Tyô to Ga 38 (1): 5-8. Full article: .[1]
  • Matsumura, S., 1919a. Thousand Japanese Insects Addit. 3 páxs. 475-742, pls. 26-53.
  • Medicielo, M.M. 1993: Report on Cyaniriodes Subspecies nov. from Babag Mts. Bamtawon St. Bernard, S. Leyte, Philippines. (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Futao 12: 18.
  • Pavulaan, H. & D.M. Wright 2005: Celastrina serotina (Lycaenidae: Polyommatinae): A new butterfly species from the northeastern United States and Canada. The Taxonomic Report 6(6): 1-18
  • Robbins, R. K., in Lames et. al., 2004. Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera, Checklist: Part 4A. Hesperioidea - Papilionoidea. Gainesville.
  • Tutt, J. W., 1906. A study of the generic names of the British Lycaenidae and their close allies. Entomologist's Rec. J. Var. 18: 129-132.
  • Wright, D.M. 1999: Celastrina idella (Lycaenidae: Polyommatinae) a new butterfly species from the Atlantic Coastal Plain. The Taxonomic Report 1 (9): 1-11.

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