Muriel Deutsch Lezak

Muriel Deutsch Lezak
Nacimientu Chicago[1]26 d'agostu de 1927[1]
Nacionalidá Bandera de Estaos Xuníos d'América Estaos Xuníos
Muerte Portland[1]6 d'ochobre de 2021[1] (94 años)
Estudios Universidá de Chicago
Universidá de Portland
Llingües falaes inglés
Oficiu futbolista, escritoraneuropsicóloga (es) Traducir
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Muriel Deutsch Lezak ye una neurocientífica d'Estaos Xuníos, conocida por haber acuñáu'l términu de funciones executives pa les capacidaes mentales esenciales pa llevar a cabu una conducta eficaz, creativa y aceptada socialmente.[2][3]


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Estudió na Universidá d'Oregón. Recibió'l so master na Universidá de Chicago. Terminó'l so doctoráu na Universidá de Portland.[4] Nes clases de neuroloxía yera la única muyer.[5]

Los sos primeros pacientes fueron soldaos que volvíen de la guerra de Vietnam con mancadures cerebrales. Na década del '70 creó grupos de sofitu pa familiares de pacientes con mancadura cerebral, daqué novedosu pa la dómina, y pa familiares de deportistes y atletes adolescentes que sufrieren conmoción cerebral.[5] Ella taba convencida de que'l sofitu sicoterapéuticu a los familiares del pacientes con mancadura cerebral podía ameyorar la calidá de vida del mesmu y de la so familia. Ente les metes del sofitu psicolóxicu ella incluyía ayudar a la familia a reaxustar les mires, brindar conseyos práuticos del manexu de la situación del paciente y conscientizarlos sobre les sos propies necesidaes.[6]

Lezak definió les funciones executives como'l conxuntu d'actividaes cognitives que favorecen llevar a cabu un plan coherente dirixíu escontra'l llogru d'una meta específica.[7]

En 1984 resultó electa Presidenta de la Sociedá Internacional de Neuropsicología.[8]

El trabayu de Lezak ayudó a humanizar y personalizar la evaluación neuropsicológica.[5]

Vida personal

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Lezak ye vilba del abogáu Sidney Lezak y tien trés fíos.[9]

Premios y reconocencies

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En 1996 recibió'l premiu al neuropsicólogo distinguíu pola so trayeutoria de vida (Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to Neuropsychology Award), que da l'Academia Nacional de Neuropsicología de los Estaos Xuníos a científicos que realizaren importantes contribuciones científiques, intelectuales y rellacionaes cola formación nel campu de la neuropsicología.[10]

  • Bowler, R. M., Lezak, M., Booty, A., Hartney, C., Mergler, D., Levin, J. & Zisman, F. (2001). Neuropsychological dysfunction, mood disturbance, and emotional status of munitions workers. Applied Neuropsychology, 8(2).
  • Cohen, R. Green, M.D. Lezak, J. Lyberger, J. Mack, Y. Silbergeld, J. Valciukas, and W. Chappell 1994 Criteria for progressive modification of neurobehavioral batteries. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 16(5).WHO (World Health Organization) 1985 Energy and protein requirements. Report of a joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Committee. WHO Technical Report Series 724. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.
  • Lezak, MD (1978). Living with the characterologically altered brain injured patient. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 39.
  • Howieson DB, Lezak MD (1992). The neuropsychological evaluation, in The American Psychiatric Press Textbook of Neuropsychiatry, 2nd Edition, edited by Yudofsky SC, Hales RE. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
  • Lezak, MD (1979) Recovery of memory and learning. functions following brain injury. Cortex 15.
  • Lezak, MD (1982). The problem of assessing executive functions, International Journal of Psychology, 17.
  • Lezak, MD (1986). Psychological implications of traumatic brain damage for the patient’s family. Rehabilitation Psychology, 31.
  • Lezak, MD (1987). Assessment for rehabilitation purposes. In: M. Meier, A.L. Benton, & L. Diller (Eds.) Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Lezak, MD (1988). Brain damage is a family affair. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 10.
  • Lezak, MD (1994). Domains of behavior from a neuropsychological perspective: the whole story. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 41.
  • Lezak, MD (2000). Nature, applications and limitations of neuropsychological assessment following traumatic brain injury. In International Handbook of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. A Christensen and BP Uzzell (eds). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.
  • Lezak, M.D., Howieson, D.B., Bigler, Y.D. & Tranel, D. (2012). Neuropsychological Assessment (5th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Matser JT, Kessels AGH, Lezak MD, et al. (1999). Neuropsychological Impairment in Amateur Soccer Players, JAMA.
  • Matser JT, Kessels AGH, Lezak MD and Troost J. (2001).“A Dose-Response Relation of Headers and Concussions with Cognitive Impairment in Professional Soccer Players,” J Clin Exp Neuropsychology, 23(6).
  • Malec J.F., Moessner AM, Kragness M, Lezak MD. (2000) Refining a measure of brain injury sequelae to predict post-acute rehabilitation outcome: rating scale analysis of the Mayu-Portland Adaptability Inventory. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 13.


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  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 Richard Sandomir (1r payares 2021). «Muriel Lezak, Leading Authority on Brain Injuries, Dies at 94» (inglés). The New York Times. The New York Times Company. Consultáu'l 1r payares 2021.
  2. Mónica Rosselli, Esmeralda Matute Villaseñor y Alfredo Ardila, Neuropsicología del desenvolvimientu infantil, Méxicu, Manual Modernu, 2013 ISBN 9786074480436.
  3. J. Tirapu-Ustárroz, J.M. Muñoz-Verdes Memoria y funciones executives REV NEUROL 2005; 41 (8): 475-484
  4. History of Neuropsychology, Muriel Lezak
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 Lydialyle Gibson (2012). «Brain work». The University of Chicago Magazine. Consultáu'l 30 de payares de 2017.
  6. Living with the characterologically altered brain injured patient Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 1978 Jul;39(7):592-8.
  7. (1986). Geropsychological Assessment and Treatment: Selected Topics. Springer Publishing Company. Consultáu'l 30 de payares de 2017.
  8. (2013). Pathways to prominence in neuropsychology : reflections of twentieth-century pioneers. Hove, Psychology. ISBN 9780415650748. Consultáu'l 30 de payares de 2017.
  9. Sitiio oficial de la familia Lezak
  10. Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to Neuropsychology Award Archiváu 2017-03-14 en Wayback Machine, NAN, national Academy of Neuropsichology

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