Jeremy Scott Zucker (* New Jersey, 1996 mara 3 uru achuqa phaxsin yuritayna),
Istadus Unidos jacha marka q'uchu arsuyaña.
- Beach Island (2015)
- Breathe (2015)
- Motions (2016-2017)
- idle (2017)
- stripped. (2018)
- glisten (2018)
- summer, (2018)
- brent (2019)
- brent ii (2021)
- Melody (2015)
- Flying Kites (2015)
- Bout it (con Daniel James y Benjamin 0) (2015)
- Peace Sings (2016)
- Weakness (2016)
- Paradise (con Cisco the Nomad) (2016)
- When You Wake Up (2016)
- Upside Down (con Daniel James) (2016)
- Idk Love (2017)
- All the kids are depressed (2018)
- comethru (2018)
- You were good to me (con Chelsea Cutler) (2019)
- Oh, Mexico (2019)
- Always, i'll care (2020)
- Not ur friend (2020)
- julia (2020)
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