Lorraine Vivian Hansberry (* Chicago, Illinois suyu, 1930 mara 19 uru Llamayu phaxsin yuritayna — † New York, New York suyu 1965 mara 12 uru Chichu phaxsin yuriwi)
Istadus Unidos jacha marka qillqiri.
- A Raisin in the Sun (1959) (Un lunar en el sol)
- A Raisin in the Sun, screenplay (1961)
- "On Summer" (essay) (1960)
- The Drinking Gourd (1960)
- What Use Are Flowers? (written c. 1962)
- The Arrival of Mr. Todog – parody of Waiting for Godot
- The Movement: Documentary of a Struggle for Equality (1964)
- The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window (1965)
- To Be Young, Gifted and Black: Lorraine Hansberry in Her Own Words (1969)
- Les Blancs: The Collected Last Plays / by Lorraine Hansberry. Edited by Robert Nemiroff (1994)
- Toussaint. This fragment from a work in progress, unfinished at the time of Hansberry's untimely death, deals with a Haitian plantation owner and his wife whose lives are soon to change drastically as a result of the revolution of Toussaint L'Ouverture. (From the Samuel French, Inc. catalogue of plays.)