Pet Sounds

Pet Sounds
"The Beach Boys"ın tərəfindən ifa olunmuş studiya albomu
Növü studiya albomu
Yayımlanma tarixi 1966
Müddət 36:43
Dil amerikan ingiliscəsi
Leybl Capitol Records
Prodüser Brayen Vilzon
"The Beach Boys"ın albomlarının xronologiyası
"The Beach Boys Party"
"Pet Sounds"
"Smiley Smile"

Pet Sounds — "The Beach Boys" rok qrupunun on ikinci studiya albomu.

Mahnı siyahısı

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Birinci tərəf

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  1. Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:34)
  2. You Still Believe in Me (2:31)
  3. That's Not Me (2:30)
  4. Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder) (2:59)
  5. I'm Waiting For The Day (3:06)
  6. Let's Go Away For Awhile (2:18)
  7. Sloop John B (3:03)

İkinci tərəf

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  1. God Only Knows (2:55)
  2. I Know There's An Answer (3:20)
  3. Here Today (2:49)
  4. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times (3:23)
  5. Pet Sounds (2:19)
  6. Caroline, No (2:15)

Xarici keçidlər

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