باریش پیناری عملیاتی

Operation Peace Spring
شامیل دیر:the Rojava conflict, Turkish involvement in the Syrian Civil War, and the پ ک ک سالدیریلاری (۲۰۱۵-گۆنوموز)
تاریخ9 October 2019 – ongoing
(۵ ایل، ۴ آی، ۳ هفته و ۲ گون)


Syrian Interim Government
Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria
باشچیلار و لیدرلر
Hulusi Akar
(Minister of Defence)
Gen. Yaşar Güler
(Chief of the General Staff)[۳]
Lt. Gen. Sinan Yayla
(2nd Army Commander)
شابلون:Country data Syrian Opposition Salim Idris
(Minister of Defence)
شابلون:Country data Syrian Opposition Sayf Abu Bakr
(Hamza Division Commander)[۴]
Mazlum Kobane
Riad Khamis al-Khalaf
(Tal Abyad Military Council Commander)
ایشتیراک ائدن واحیدلر
See order of battle See order of battle
تلفاتلار و ایتکیلر
15 killed[۵][۶]

23 killed[۷]

Per Turkey:
109 killed[۸]
8–9 civilians killed in Syria by TAF shelling
(per SOHR, SANA & SDF)[۷][۹][۱۰]
6 civilians killed in Turkey by SDF shelling (1 Syrian; per Turkey)[۱۱][۱۲]
1 civilian killed in Syria by SDF shelling (per SOHR)[۱۳]
60,000 civilians displaced[۱۴][۱۵][۱۶][۱۷]
شابلون:Campaignbox Rojava Revolutionشابلون:Campaignbox Turkish involvement in the Syrian Civil Warشابلون:Campaignbox Kurdish–Turkish conflict

باریش پیناری عملیاتی یا دا باریش پیناری حرکاتی (آنادولو تورکجه‌سی: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı) بیر نیظاملی و عسکری عملیاتی دیر کی تورکیه قوشونو توسوطیله سوریه‌نین قوزئی‌دوغوسوندا اوز وئرمیش‌دیر.

بو عملیات تورکیه سیلاحلی قووّه‌لری و آزاد سوریه اوردوسونون، سوریهنین قوزئی‌اینده کئچیردیغی بیرگه حربی عملیّات دیر. عملیات ۹ اوکتوبر ۲۰۱۹-اونجو میلادی ایلده تورکیهنین جومهورباشقانی رجب طیب اردوغانین وئردیغی بیانات‌لا باشلاییب.


  1. ^ القوات التركية تقضم مزيد من المناطق وتسيطر على 7 قرى بمنطقتي تل أبيض ورأس العين خلال الـ 24 ساعة الأولى من انطلاق العملية العسكرية على شرق الفرات
  2. ^ https://www.bolgegundem.com/suriyede-11-koy-terorden-arindirildi-1035943h.htm
  3. ^ 'Harekat ile ilgili çalışmalarımız devam ediyor'.
  4. ^ Şafak, Yeni. Free Syrian Army ready for potential new operation.
  5. ^ Around 10 Turkish-baked militants killed in clashes with “Internal Security Forces” in Ras Al-Ain and its southern hubs
  6. ^ The information about advancement of the Turkish forces with their loyal factions to Tal Abyad and villages east of it is false
  7. ^ ۷٫۰ ۷٫۱ Tens of thousands flee as Turkey presses Syria offensive. The Irish Times (10 October 2019).
  8. ^ 109 ‘terrorists’ killed in Turkish offensive in Syria, says Erdogan (10 October 2019).
  9. ^ Update-Turkish aggression on Qamishli, Ras al-Ayn and Dirbasyah in Hasaka countryside.. 8 civilians martyred (9 October 2019). آرشیولنیب اصلی نۆسخه‌دن on 2019-10-10. یوْخلانیلیب2019-10-10.
  10. ^ SDF: Nine dead in Turkish offensive in northeast Syria
  12. ^ The Latest: Turkish FM: Troops will move 19 miles into Syria
  13. ^ About 10 citizens were killed or injured due to rocket shelling carried out by the forces of “Jarabulus Military Council” on the city of Jarabulus north-east of Aleppo (10 October 2019).
  14. ^ "#BREAKING" (in en). AFP. 10 October 2019. https://twitter.com/AFP_Beirut/status/1182272916349734913. Retrieved 10 October 2019.
  15. ^ https://www.iha.com.tr/haber-21-ayri-noktaya-havan-dustu-2-sehit-46-yarali-805880/
  16. ^ https://www.trthaber.com/haber/turkiye/mardin-ve-sanliurfada-biri-bebek-5-kisi-sehit-oldu-435116.html
  17. ^ http://www.milliyet.com.tr/gundem/akcakale-ve-nusaybinden-aci-haber-6-sehit-70-yarali-6052348