راینر ورنر فاسبیندر

راینر ورنر فاسبیندر
آدراینر ورنر فاسبیندر
قیسا بیلگیآلمانلی یازیچی فیلم یؤنتمنی، سناریست، فیلم یاپیمجیسی، اوْیونجو
دوْغوم تاریخ۳۱ مهٔ ۱۹۴۵
باد وریسهوفن، بایرن، دولت فلنسبورق
اؤلوم تاریخ۱۰ ژوئن ۱۹۸۲ (۳۷ یاش)
مونیخ، آلمان
ایشفیلم یؤنتمنی، سناریست، فیلم یاپیمجیسی، اوْیونجو
حیات یوْلداشیIngrid Caven (ائولی ۱۹۷۰–۱۹۷۲)

راینر ورنر فاسبیندر (آلمانجا: Rainer Werner Fassbinder، دوْغوم تاریخ:۳۱ مهٔ ۱۹۴۵، اؤلوم تاریخ: ۱۰ ژوئن ۱۹۸۲ (۳۷ یاش)) آلمانلی یازیچی فیلم یؤنتمنی، سناریست، فیلم یاپیمجیسی، اوْیونجو



بۇ آلمانلی یازیچی باد وریسهوفن بایرن دولت فلنسبورقدا آنادان اوْلوب و مونیخدا دؤنیاسین دییشیب.

اوْینادیغی فیلم‌لر

ایل English title Original title نوت
1965 This Night This Night Short film
1966 The City Tramp Der Stadtstreicher Short فیلم
1966/67 The Little Chaos Das kleine Chaos Short
1969 Love Is Colder Than Death Liebe ist kälter als der Tod
1969 Katzelmacher Katzelmacher Based on Fassbinder's play
English title: Cock Artist
1970 Gods of the Plague Götter der Pest
1970 The Coffee House Das Kaffeehaus Video recording for German TV
Based on La bottega del caffè (1750), by Carlo Goldoni
1970 Why Does Herr R. Run Amok? Warum läuft Herr R. Amok? Co-directed and written (improvisation instructions) with Michael Fengler
1970 The American Soldier Der amerikanische Soldat
1970 The Niklashausen Journey [de] Die Niklashauser Fahrt TV film
Co-directed with Michael Fengler
1971 Rio das Mortes Rio das Mortes TV فیلم
1971 Pioneers in Ingolstadt [de] Pioniere in Ingolstadt TV film
Based on the 1926 play by Marieluise Fleißer
1971 Whity Whity
1971 Beware of a Holy Whore Warnung vor einer heiligen Nutte
1972 The Merchant of Four Seasons Händler der vier Jahreszeiten
1972 The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant Based on Fassbinder's play
1972–1973 Eight Hours Don't Make a Day Acht Stunden sind kein Tag TV series, 5 episodes
1972 Bremen Freedom Bremer Freiheit TV film
Based on Fassbinder's play
1973 Jail Bait [de] Wildwechsel TV film
Based on Franz Xaver Kroetz's 1971 play
1973 World on a Wire Welt am Draht TV film in two parts
Based on the 1964 novel Simulacron-3 by Daniel F. Galouye
Co-written with Fritz Müller-Scherz
1974 Nora Helmer Nora Helmer Video recording for German TV
Based on A Doll's House by Ibsen (German translation by Bernhard Schulze)
1974 Ali: Fear Eats the Soul Angst essen Seele auf Inspired by Douglas Sirk's All That Heaven Allows
1974 Martha Martha 16mm TV film
Based on the story "For the Rest of Her Life" by Cornell Woolrich
1974 Effi Briest Fontane – Effi Briest oder: Viele, die eine Ahnung haben
von ihren Möglichkeiten und Bedürfnissen und dennoch
das herrschende System in ihrem Kopf akzeptieren durch
ihre Taten und es somit festigen und durchaus bestätigen
Based on Theodor Fontane's 1894 novel of the same name
1975 Like a Bird on a Wire Wie ein Vogel auf dem Draht TV film
Co-written with Christian Hohoff and Anja Hauptmann
1975 Fox and His Friends Faustrecht der Freiheit Co-written with Christian Hohoff
1975 Mother Küsters' Trip to Heaven Mutter Küsters Fahrt zum Himmel Co-written with Kurt Raab
Based on the short story "Mutter Krausens Fahrt Ins Glück" by Heinrich Zille
1975 Fear of Fear [de] Angst vor der Angst TV film
Based on Asta Scheib's 1974 novel Langsame Tage
1976 I Only Want You To Love Me Ich will doch nur, daß ihr mich liebt TV film
Based on the book Lebenslänglich by Klaus Antes and Christiane Erhardt
1976 Satan's Brew Satansbraten
1976 Chinese Roulette Chinesisches Roulette
1977 Women in New York Frauen in New York TV film
Based on Clare Boothe Luce's The Women
1977 The Stationmaster's Wife [de] Bolwieser TV film in two parts
Based on Oskar Maria Graf's 1931 novel Bolwieser: The Novel of a Husband
1978 Germany in Autumn Deutschland im Herbst Short omnibus film
1978 Despair Despair – Eine Reise ins Licht Screenplay by Tom Stoppard
Based on Vladimir Nabokov's 1936 novel
1978 In a ایل of 13 Moons In einem Jahr mit 13 Monden
1979 The Marriage of Maria Braun Die Ehe der Maria Braun Co-written with Pea Fröhlich and Peter Märthesheimer
1979 The Third Generation Die dritte Generation
1980 Berlin Alexanderplatz Berlin Alexanderplatz Miniseries
Based on the Alfred Döblin's 1929 novel
1981 Lili Marleen Lili Marleen Based on Lale Andersen autobiography Der Himmel hat viele Farben
Co-written with Manfred Purzer and Joshua Sinclair
1981 Theater in Trance Theater im Trance Documentary
1981 Lola Lola Co-written with Pea Fröhlich and Peter Märthesheimer
1982 Veronika Voss Die Sehnsucht der Veronika Voss Co-written with Pea Fröhlich and Peter Märthesheimer
1982 Querelle Querelle Based on Jean Genet's 1953 novel Querelle of Brest
Co-written with Burkhard Driest


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