
اهالی سایی‌سی
ت 10 milliona
چوْخلی اهالی اولان بؤلگه‌لر
 نوروژ 4,394,011[۱]
 بیرلشمیش شاهلیق[a][b]
also شابلون:Country data Shetland and شابلون:Country data Orkney
 یئنی زلاند‌1,400[۹]
نوروژ دیلی

Closely related (mutually intelligible) languages include Danish and سوئد دیلی. Other related languages include Faroese and ایسلند دیلی, and to a lesser extent all ژرمن دیللری.

Norwegian Americans: Historically نوروژ دیلی, but later اینگیلیس دیلی because of Americanization.
Lutheranism (Church of Norway)[۱۰] Historically Norse paganism and کاتولیک کلیساسی.
مربوط اولان قومی قروپلار
Faroese, Icelanders, Danes, Swedes, Shetlanders, Orcadians, Manx, نورمنلر, Scots, Irish, Dutch, آلمانلار, English
Other Germanic ethnic groups

a. ^  Based on table of given countries above. Includes those of partial Norwegian ancestry but does not include people of Faroese, Icelandic, Orcadian or Shetlandic ancestry.

b. ^  Note that there are millions of Britons of Scandinavian ancestry and ethnicity, though mixed with others.

c. ^  2,700 were born in Norway; 23,000 claim Norwegian ancestry or partial Norwegian ancestry.

نوروژلی‌‌لر (اینگیلیسی‌جه: Norwegians، عرب‌جه: نرويجيون، آنادولو تورکجه‌سی: Norveçliler، فارسجا: مردم نروژی) - بیر قومی گروه چوْخ‌لاری نوروژ دا یاشاییرلار.




  1. ^ Population: Key figures for the population. ssb.no. آرشیولنیب اصلی نۆسخه‌دن on 2016-08-06. یوْخلانیلیب2017-10-18.
  2. ^ The 2000 Brazilian census reports that Brazil, in the 2000 census, has 465,44 inhabitants of (partial) Norwegian ancestry.
  3. ^ Statistics Canada. 2011 National Household Survey: Data tables. یوْخلانیلیب18 October 2017.
  4. ^ Number of Norwegians registered at the Embassy for living in each of these countries.
  5. ^ Swedish Statistics from 2005. Shows the official number of Norwegians in Sweden at page 20.
  6. ^ Norway. آرشیولنیب اصلی نۆسخه‌دن on 2014-12-19. یوْخلانیلیب29 March 2015.
  7. ^ Statistics Denmark:FOLK2: Population 1. January by sex, age, ancestry, country of origin and citizenship. Statistics Denmark. یوْخلانیلیب3 August 2012.
  8. ^ Anzahl der Ausländer in Deutschland nach Herkunftsland (Stand: 31. Dezember 2014).
  9. ^ Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents. Statistics Norway. آرشیولنیب اصلی نۆسخه‌دن on February 1, 2010. یوْخلانیلیب2009-12-06.
  10. ^ Church of Norway, 2015: Steady decline in number of church attendances. Statistics Norway (4 May 2016). یوْخلانیلیب28 February 2017.