چلسی منینق

Chelsea Manning
Manning in May 2017
Bradley Edward Manning

۱۷ دسامبر ۱۹۸۷ ‏(۳۷ یاش)
تانینماق سببیClassified document disclosure to WikiLeaks
سیاسی حیزبدموکرات
گوناهلانما(لار)Violating the Espionage Act, stealing government property, violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, multiple counts of disobeying orders[۱]
محکومییت جزاسی35 years imprisonment (commuted to 7 years total confinement), reduction in rank to private (E-1 or PVT), forfeiture of all pay and allowances, dishonorable discharge[۲]
حربی فعالیتی
باغلیلیقUnited States
قوشونUnited States Army
خیدمت ایللری
بیریم2nd BCT, 10th Mountain Division (former)

چلسی منینق (اینگیلیسجه:Chelsea Manning) آمریکالی سیاستچی و دموکرات حزبینین عوضوو. کرسنت شهرینده دۆنیایا گؤز آچیب.




  1. ^ Tate, Julie & Londoño, Ernesto (July 30, 2013). "Bradley Manning found not guilty of aiding the enemy, convicted on other charges". https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/judge-to-announce-verdict-in-bradley-manning-case-today/2013/07/29/e894a75c-f897-11e2-afc1-c850c6ee5af8_story.html.
  2. ^ قایناق خطاسی برچسب <ref> نامعتبر؛ متنی برای ارجاع‌های با نام Tate21Aug2013 وارد نشده است
  3. ^ "Chelsea Manning files for US Senate bid in Maryland". آسوشیتد پرس. January 13, 2018. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/chelsea-manning-files-for-us-senate-bid-in-maryland/2018/01/13/4115e4ba-f89b-11e7-9af7-a50bc3300042_story.html. "Manning, 30, filed her statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday, listing an apartment in North Bethesda as her address." چلسی منینق