Мәлих Жәүдәт Андай (13 март 1915 йыл — 28 ноябрь 2002 йыл ) — төрөк яҙыусыһы, шағир, тәржемәсе һәм журналист. Ун бер шиғыр йыйынтығы, һигеҙ пьеса, һигеҙ роман, ун биш йыйылма әҫәрҙәр йыйынтығы авторы. Рус, француз, испан, Америка яҙыусыларының китаптарын төрөк теленә тәржемә итеүсе[ 4] .
Metin Yurdanur’s statue of the poet in Melih Cevdet Anday Park, Ören
Шиғри әҫәрҙәре:
Garip (Odd, 1941) with Orhan Veli and Oktay Rifat
Rahatı Kaçan Ağaç (The Disturbed Tree, 1946)
Telgrafhane (Telegram Office, 1952)
Yan Yana (Side by side, 1956)
Kolları bağlı Odysseus (Odysseus Bound, 1963)
Göçebe Denizin Üstünde (On the Nomad Sea, 1970)
Teknenin Ölümü (The death of a Boat, 1975)
Sözcükler (Words, 1978)
Ölümsüzlük Ardında Gılgamış (Gilgamesh Beyond Death, 1981)
Güneşte (In the Sun, 1989)
Yağmurun Altında (Under the Rain, 1995)
Seçme Siirler (Selected Poetry, 1997).
Aylaklar (The Vagabonds, 1965)
Gizli Emir (The Secret Command, 1970)
İsa’nın Güncesi (The Diary of Christ, 1974)
Raziye (1975)
Yagmurlu Sokak (Rainy Street, 1991),
Meryem Gibi (Like Mary, 1991)
Birbirimizi Anlayamayiz (We Cannot Understand Each Other, 1992).
İçerdekiler (Insiders, 1965)
Mikado’nun Çöpleri (The Mikado Game, 1967)
Dört Oyun (Four Plays: Tomorrow in a Different Grove, Beware of the Dog, The Dead Want to Speak, and Inspectors,1972)
Ölümsüzler (The Immortals: Complete Plays 1 and 2, 1981)
Doğu-Batı (East-West, 1961)
Konuşarak (Speaking, 1964)
Gelişen Komedya (Developing Comedy, 1965)
Yeni Tanrılar (The New Gods, 1974)
Sosyalist Bir Dünya (A Socialist World, 1975)
Dilimiz Üstüne Konuşmalar (Discussions about our Language, 1975)
Maddecilik ve Ülkücülük (Materialism and Idealism, 1977)
Yasak (The Ban, 1978)
Paris Yazıları (Paris Writings, 1982)
Açikliga Dogru (Towards Openness, 1984)
Sevismenin Güdüklügü ve Yüceligi (On the Deficiency and Loftiness of Love-Making, 1990)
Yiten Söz (The Vanishing Word, 1992)
Aldanma ki (Don’t Be Fooled, 1992)
Imge Ormanlari (The Forests of Images, 1994)
Gelecegi Yasamak (Living the Future, 1994)
M.C.ANDAY . «EI» Magazine of European Art Center (EUARCE) of Greece, 8st issue 1994, p.11 & 38-39
Garip Movement
List of contemporary Turkish poets
«A poem in the manner of Karacaoglan», translations by Sidney Wade]] and Efe Murad in «Asymptote» sections 1 and 4 2016 йыл 29 май архивланған . ; sections 6-8
«Voice», a translation by Sidney Wade and Efe Murad in «Guernica» [1]
«Garip: A Turkish Poetry Manifesto», a translation by Sidney Wade and Efe Murad in «Critical Flame» The Critical Flame
8 poems
Eight poems in A Brave New Quest: 100 Modern Turkish Poems , Syracuse University Press 2006
«Silent Stones: Selected Poems of Melih Cevdet Anday», [2] 2017 йыл 23 июнь архивланған .