Braintree (District)

Braintree District
Log in Essex
Status District
Region East of England
Vaw.grofschaft Essex
Vawoitungssiiz Braintree
Flächn 611,71 km² (73.)
Eihwohna 140.900 (126.)
ONS-Code 22UC

Braintree is a District in da Grofschoft Essex in England. Da Vawoitungssitz is Braintree, weitane greßane Orte san: Witham, Halstead und Hatfield Peverel.

Da Beziak is am 1. Aprui 1974 buidt worn und is aus da Fusion vo de Urban District Braintree and Brocking, Halstead und Witham sowia da Rural District Braintree Halstead entstondn.

Koordinaten: 51° 53′ 0″ N, 0° 33′ 0″ O