У́льрыка Мары́я Ма́йнхаф (7 кастрычніка 1934 — 9 мая 1976) — заходненямецкая тэрарыстка. Адна з заснавальніц Фракцыі Чырвонай Арміі (Rote Armee Fraktion). Раней працавала ў якасці журналісткі для штомесячнага левага часопіса Konkret (руск.) (бел.. Яна была арыштаваная ў 1972 годзе, і яе ў рэшце рэшт абвінавацілі ў шматлікіх забойствах і фарміраванні злачыннай супольнасці. Перад тым як суд прыйшоў да выніку, Майнхаф была знойдзена павешанай у сваёй турэмнай камеры.
- Karl Wolff oder: Porträt eines anpassungsfähigen Deutschen (Karl Wolff or: A Portrait of an Adaptable German). Radio documentary. Director: Heinz Otto Müller. Hessischer Rundfunk, Abendstudio, 1964.
- Gefahr vom Fließband. Arbeitsunfälle — beobachtet und kritisch beschrieben. (Dangers of the Assembly-Line. Industrial Accidents — observed and critically analysed). Radio documentary. Director: Peter Schulze-Rohr. Hessischer Rundfunk, Abendstudio, 1965.
- Bambule — Fürsorge — Sorge für wen? (Bambule: Welfare — Providing for whom?) Wagenbach, 1971, (Republished 2002, ISBN 3-8031-2428-X)
Матэрыялы РАФ
- Das Konzept Stadtguerilla (The Concept of the Urban Guerilla), 1971
- Stadtguerilla und Klassenkampf (Urban Guerilla and Class Struggle), 1972/1974[5]
- Fragment Regarding Structure (1976)[6]
- Deutschland, Deutschland unter anderem (Deutschland, Deutschland among Other Things), Wagenbach, 1995 (ISBN 3-803-12253-8)
- Die Würde des Menschen ist antastbar (The Dignity of Man Is Violable), Wagenbach, 2004 (ISBN 3-803-12491-3)
- Karin Bauer, ed. Everybody Talks about the Weather… We Don’t: The Writings of Ulrike Meinhof, Seven Stories Press, New York, 2008 (ISBN 978-1583228319). A selection of Meinhof’s writings published in konkret from 1960 to 1968, with a foreword by Elfriede Jelinek, translated by Luise von Flotow.
- Ulrike Meinhof’s notes from the Dead Wing. [7]
- Aust, Stefan: Der Baader-Meinhof Komplex, (1998, ISBN 3-442-12953-2)
- Aust, Stefan: Baader-Meinhof: The Inside Story of the R.A.F, (2009, ISBN 978-0195372755)
- Bauer, Karin (editor): Everybody Talks About The Weather…We Don’t Архівавана 24 мая 2012.. The Writings of Ulrike Meinhof. Preface by Elfriede Jelinek (Seven Stories Press ISBN 978-1-58322-831-9)
- Becker, Jillian: Hitler’s Children: The Story of the Baader-Meinhof Terrorist Gang, London 1977.
- Böll, Heinrich: Will Ulrike Gnade oder freies Geleit (essay), (1972, Der Spiegel)
- Brückner, Peter (2006). Ulrike Meinhof und die deutschen Verhältnisse(ням.). Wagenbach. ISBN 978-3-8031-2407-4.
- Krebs, Mario: Ulrike Meinhof (1988, ISBN 3-499-15642-3)
- Röhl, Bettina (Meinhof’s daughter): So macht Kommunismus Spass (/Making Communism Fun), (2007, ISBN 978-3-434-50600-3)
- Smith, J. and Andre Moncourt: Red Army Faction — A Documentary History Volume I: Projectiles For The People
- Ulrike Marie Meinhof(недаступная спасылка), a documentary produced by ARTE in 1994
- Ulrike Meinhof — Wege in den Terror (Ulrike Meinhof — Paths to Terror), a documentary produced by RBB in 2006
- So macht Kommunismus Spass (Making Communism Fun), a documentary produced by Bettina Röhl, Meinhof’s daughter, for Der Spiegel TV in 2006
- The Baader Meinhof Complex (2008)
- Children of the Revolution (documentary, 2010)
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