Хіросі Іноэ(яп.: 井上寛, 8 ліпеня 1917 – 2 чэрвеня 2008) — японскі лепідаптэрыст. Вывучаў шырокі спектр молей, у прыватнасці прадстаўнікоў сямействаў стракаткі (Zygaenidae)[1], пядзенікі (Geometridae) і агнёўкі (Pyralidae)[2]. У сваёй кар’еры апісаў 1042 таксоны[3].
↑"Specimen‐based records of geometrid, pyralid and crambid moths (Lepidoptera) with location information from the collection of Dr. Hiroshi Inoue". {{cite journal}}: Шаблон цытавання journal патрабуе |journal= (даведка)
Kishida Yasunori; Masui Takehiko; Mano Takahiro; Sato Rikio; Sasaki Akio; Yamamoto Mitsuhito (2009). 追悼井上寛博士 (1917–2008). Yugato 誘蛾灯. 196: 61–72. ISSN0387-5695.
Schaefer, Paul W.; Wildonger, Jeffrey A. (2017). "American Entomologists in Japan at the Onset of World War II: Mr. Robert Burrell and Dr. John D. Maple II". Entomological News. 127 (1): 84–85. doi:10.3157/021.127.0111.
Yoshimatsu, Shin-ichi; Nakatani, Yukinobu; Yoshitake, Hiraku (2015). 農業環境技術研究所所蔵の井上寛博士のメイガ上科 (昆虫綱:チョウ目) コレクション目録 [A list of specimens of Pyraloidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of Dr. Hiroshi Inoue preserved in the National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences] (PDF). Bulletin of National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences. 34: 101–142. doi:10.24514/00003015.
Yoshimatsu, Shin-ichi; Watabiki, Daisuke; Nakatani, Yukinobu; Yoshitake, Hiraku (2016). 農業環境技術研究所所蔵の井上寛博士のシャクガ科 (昆虫綱:チョウ目) コレクション目録 [A list of specimens of Geometridae (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of Dr. Hiroshi Inoue preserved in the National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences] (PDF). Bulletin of National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences. 37: 1–55. doi:10.24514/00003024.