Kedèwèkan (hurup Arab Gundul: کديويقن; Indonésia: identitas) atawa jati dèwèk (hurup Arab Gundul: جاتى ديويق) entu pèdèngan kebagusan, kepercayaan, bingsèk atawa tabèat, tampang, èn/atawa ungkepan nyang nyiriin atu orang atawa rombongan.[1][2][3][4]
Jary and Jary (1991) define identity as 'a sense of self that develops as the child differentiates from parents and the family, and takes a place in society.'
Identity formation has to do with the complex manner in which human beings establish a unique view of self and is characterized by continuity and inner unity. It is therefore highly related to terms such as the self, self-concept, values, and personality development.
Identity offers a way of thinking about the links between the personal and the social, that is, how the psychological and social aspects of the self are tied together to create a self-concept (Woodward, 2002)