Чейси Лейн (на английски: Chasey Lain) е американска актриса и порно звезда.
Истинското ѝ име е Тифани Ан Джонс (Tiffany Anne Jones), родена е на 7 декември 1971 в Коко Бийч, Флорида, израства в Нюпорт, Северна Каролина. Започва работа като стриптизьорка, след което преминава в порно индустрията. През 2002 г. се появява в класацията на списание „AVN“ за 50-те топ порно звезди за всички времена.
През 1999 г. музикалната група Bloodhound Gang издава песента The Ballad of Chasey Lain (Баладата за Чейси Лейн) от албума Hooray for Boobies, в която става дума за пристрастен почитател на Лейн, който и изпраща поредица писма със сексуално съдържание.
- Зали на славата
- Носителка на индивидуални награди
- All-Girl Pussy Parade 2 (2006) (V)
- Award Winning Sex Stars 2 (2006) (V)
- Chasey's Lipstick Lesbians (2006) (V)
- Coffee & Cream (2006) (V)
- How the West Was Hung (2006) (V)
- Inside Chasey Lain (2006) (V)
- Lesbian Centerfolds 2 (2006) (V)
- Lez B Friends (2006) (V)
- X-Rated MILFS (2006) (V)
- Lust Connection (2005) (TV) .... Pizza Molly
- Black in White 2 (2005) (V)
- Chasey Lain Smokin' (2005) (V)
- Pussy Foot'n 12 (2005) (V)
- Sex for the Viewer (2005) (V)
- What Is Erotic?(2005) (V)
- X Marks the Spot (2005/II) (V)
... aka Chasey Lain's X Marks the Spot (USA: complete title)
- Dairy Made (2004) (V)
- Chasey Meets Krystal (2004) (V)
- Chasey's Back (2004) (V)
- Fan Sexxx: Pure Gold Pussy (2004) (V)
- WMB: Weapons of Masturbation (2003) (V)
- Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain (2003) .... Amy
- Deep Inside Chasey Lain (2002) (V)
- Teachers Pet (2001) (V)
- Pussy Grinders (2000) (V)
- Coed Cocksuckers 14 (1999) (V) (as Tiffany Jones)
- Freak (1998) (V) .... Abused Girl
- He Got Game (1998) (as Tiffany Jones) .... Buffy
- Chasin' Pink (1998) (V)
- Chasin' Pink 2: Creepshow (1998) (V)
- Orgazmo (1997) .... Candi
- American Dreamgirls 21 (1997)
- Captured on Camera (1997)
- Cum for Me (1997)
- Dirty Bob's Xcellent Adventures 29 (1997) (V)
- Gm Las Vegas Revue '97 (1997)
- Nice the Naughty and the Bad (1997)
- Nymph (1997) .... Daphne
- Where the Boys Aren't 9 (1997) (V)
... aka WTBA 9 (USA: informal short title)
- Chasey Loves Rocco (1996) (V) .... Rachel, Doug's Ex Wife
- Chasey Saves the World (1996) (V) .... Denise
- Girls Loving Girls (1996)
- House on Chasey Lane (1996) (V) .... Lauren Walters
- Interview with a Vibrator (1996) (V)
- Lethal Affairs (1996) (V) .... Rachel
- Sex Plays (1996) (V)
- View Point (1996) .... Angel
- Demon Knight (1995) (as Tiffany Anne) .... Party babe
... aka Demon Keeper
... aka Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight (USA: complete title)
- Cum to Me (1995) (V)
- Hawaii (1995) (V)
- Internal Affairs (1995/I) (V)
- Scrue (1995) (V) .... Connie Lingus
- Sex 2: Fate (1995) (V)
- White Wedding (1995) (V)
- Wicked at Heart (1995) (V)
- Busty Biker Babes (1994)
- Chasey Revealed (1994) (V)
- Chasin' the Fifties (1994) (V)
- Covergirl (1994) (V)
- Domination (1994) (V)
- Fantasy Women (1994)
- Film Buff (1994) (V) (as Chasey Laine)
- New Wave Hookers 4 (1994) (V)
- Real TIckeTS 1 (1994) (V)
- Real TIckeTS 2 (1994) (V)
- Restrained by Desire (1994) (V)
- Sex (1994) .... The 'Present'
- Submission (1994) (V)
- Totally Nude Gymnastics (1994) (V)
- Wicked As She Seems (1994) (V)
- County Line (1993) (V)
- Hot Bodies in Bondage (1993) (V)
- The Original Wicked Woman (1993) (V)
- Execu-Comp #169 – Classic Super Sex (1991) (V)
- Wild at Heart (1991) (V)