এরিক টেম্পল বেল (ফেব্রুয়ারি ৭ ১৮৮৩, পিটারহেড, স্কটল্যান্ড - ডিসেম্বর ২১ ১৯৬০, ওয়াটসনভিল, ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া, যুক্তরাষ্ট্র) ছিলেন একজন গণিতবিদ ও বৈজ্ঞানিক কল্পকাহিনী লেখক।
গণিতবিদদের জীবন নিয়ে বেলের লেখা Men of Mathematics বইটি বহু পাঠককে গণিত অধ্যয়নে উৎসাহিত করে।
- An Arithmetical Theory of Certain Numerical Functions, Seattle Washington, The University, 1915, 50p. PDF/DjVu copy from Internet Archive.
- The Cyclotomic Quinary Quintic, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, The New Era Printing Company, 1912, 97p.
- Algebraic Arithmetic, New York, American Mathematical Society, 1927, 180p.
- Debunking Science, Seattle, University of Washington book store, 1930, 40p.
- The Queen of the Sciences, Stechert, 1931, 138p.
- Numerology, Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Co., 1933, 187p. এলসিসিএন ৩৩-৬৮০৮
- The Search for Truth, Baltimore, Reynal and Hitchcock, 1934, 279p.
- Reprint: Williams and Wilkins Co, 1935
- The Handmaiden of the Sciences, Williams & Wilkins, 1937, 216p.
- Man and His Lifebelts, New York, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1938, 340p.
- Reprint: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1935, 2nd printing 1946
- Reprint: Kessinger Publishing, 2005
- Men of Mathematics, New York, Simon and Schuster, 1937, 592p.
- The Development of Mathematics, New York, McGraw–Hill, 1940, 637p.
- Second Edition: New York, McGraw–Hill, 1945, 637p.
- Reprint: Dover Publications, 1992
- The Magic of Numbers, Whittlesey House, 1946, 418p.
- Mathematics: Queen and Servant of Science, McGraw-Hill, 1951, 437p.
- The Last Problem, New York, Simon and Schuster, 1961, 308p.
- "Obvious is the most dangerous word in mathematics."[১]
- Citations
- Reid, Constance (1993). The Search for E. T. Bell, Also Known as John Taine. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America. x + 372 pp. আইএসবিএন ০-৮৮৩৮৫-৫০৮-৯. ওসিএলসি 29190602.
- Rothman, T. (1982). "Genius and biographers: the fictionalization of Evariste Galois". American Mathematics Monthly 89, no. 2, 84–106.
- Other sources
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