Dirk Benedict

Dirk Benedict e 2012.

Dirk Benedict (ganet Dirk Niewoehner d'ar 1añ a viz Meurzh 1945) zo un aktour ha skrivagner evit ar sinema, ar skinwel hag an teatr stadunanat. Brudet e voe dre rolloù al letanant Templeton "Faceman" Peck er stirad skinwel A-Team hag hini al letanant Starbuck er stirad diazez Battlestar Galactica. Skrivet en deus bet Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy hag And Then We Went Fishing.

Benedict a zo ganet Dirk Niewoehner en Helena, Montana

Dirk Benedict e 1974, er stirad skinwel Chopper One
Bloavezh Titl Roll Notennoù
1972 Georgia, Georgia Michael Winters
1973 Sssssss David Blake titl all: Ssssnake
1974 W William Caulder titloù all: I Want Her Dead / W is the Mark of Death
1978 Saga of a Star World Letanant Starbuck
1979 Scavenger Hunt Jeff Stevens
1980 Ruckus Kyle Hanson titloù all: Ruckus in Madoc County / Big Ruckus in a Small Town / The Loner
1981 Underground Aces Pete Huffman
1985 Mark of the Devil Frank Rowlett
1986 Body Slam M. Harry Smilac
1991 Blue Tornado Alex Long
1992 Shadow Force Derouder Rick Kelly
1994 Demon Keeper Alexander Harris
1994 Christina's Dream N/A rener; film berr
1995 The Feminine Touch John Mackie titl all: The November Conspiracy
1996 Alaska Jake Barnes
1998 Waking Up Horton Tyler titl all: The Adventures of Young Brave
2001 Cahoots N/A rener & skrivagner
2006 Goldene Zeiten Douglas Burnett / Horst Müller titl all: Strike!
2007 Recon 7 Down Tom Myers
2009 Inglorious Bumblers Tom Mayers
2010 The A-Team Pensacola Prisoner Milt Cameo
2019 Space Ninjas Jack Strange
2020 Charlie's Christmas Wish Stanley

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Bloavezh Titl Roll Notenn(où)
1997 Zork: Grand Inquisitor Antharia Jack
2003 Battlestar Galactica Letanant Starbuck Mouezh

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