John Burningham (ganet e 1936, e Farnham, e Surrey zo ur skrivagner ha skeudennaouer levrioù evit ar vugale. Studiet en deus ar gevregenn er Central School of Art and Design e Londrez. Div wech en deus tapet Medalenn Kate Greenaway: da gentañ gant "Borka : the adventures of a goose with no feathers", ha goude gant "Mister Gumpy Outing" (Pourmenadenn an aotrou Gumpy).
- Borka : the adventures of a goose with no feathers,() 1963
- Trubloff : the mouse who wanted to play the balalaïka, () 1964
- Harquin : the fox who went down, () 1967
- Seasons, () 1969
- Mr Gumpy outing, () 1970
- Mr Gumpy's motor car, () 1973
- The rabbit, () 1974
- The baby, () 1974
- The cupboard, () 1975
- The blanket, () 1975
- Come away from the water, Shirley ! (Ne te mouille pas les pieds, Marcelle ! e galleg), 1977
- Time to get out of the bath, Shirley ! (Veux-tu sortir du bain, Marcelle !), 1978
- Would you rather... (), 1978
- The shopping basket, (Le panier de Stéphane), 1980
- Granpa (Grand Papa), 1984
- Aldo, 1993
- Harvey Slumfenburger's Christmas present, (Le cadeau de Noël de Gaston Grippemine),1993
- Get off our train, (Train de nuit) 1989
- Cloudland, (Au pays des nuages), 1996
- The magic bed,() 2003
- Tug of war, (Tir à la corde),
- Edwardo : the horriblest boy in the whole wide world, () 2006
- It's a secret, () 2009