Every Woman Dreams (Shanice)

Every Woman Dreams
Album Shanice
Objavljen21. februar 2006.
IzdavačPlaytime Entertainment
Hronologija albuma Shanice
Ultimate Collection
Every Woman Dreams

Every Woman Dreams je peti studijski album američke R&B pjevačice Shanice, izašao 21. februara, 2006., pod njenom nezavisnom markom "Imajah/PlayTyme".

Lista pjesama

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  1. Intro (1:00)
  2. Get Up (3:41)
  3. Every Woman Dreams (5:40)
  4. Things in the Movies (4:02)
  5. Keep it to Yourself (3:36)
  6. Take Care of U (4:25)
  7. So Sexy (4:00)
  8. That's Why I Love You (3:44)
  9. Crazy for You (3:06)
  10. So Free (4:23)
  11. Chocolate (4:53)
  12. Loving You (4:38)
  13. Forever Like A Rose (4:25)
  14. I Can't Imagine (4:56)
  15. Joy (4:26)
  16. Outro (1:31)

Vanjski linkovi

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