Helen Prince (rođena Dodson) rođena je u Baltimoru, Maryland, 31. decembra 1905. od porodice Helen Walter i Henryja Claya Dodsona. Budući da je bila vješta i u fizici i u matematici, Prince je dobila punu stipendiju za studiranje matematike na Goucher Collegeu, gdje je 1927. stekla diplomu umjetnosti. Tokom dodiplomskih studija, na nju je utjecala profesorica Florence P. Lewis da studira astronomiju. Prince je nastavila postdiplomske studije na Univerzitetu u Michigenu, gdje je magistrirala 1932. i doktorirala 1934. astronomiju. Njena doktorska teza nosila je naslov "Studija spektra 25 Oriona".[1]
Imala je stipendiju Dean Van Meter iz Gouchera 1932. i dobila nagradu Annie Jump Cannon iz astronomije 1954. Godine 1974. dobila je fakultetsku nagradu za izuzetna dostignuća od Univerziteta Michigan. Tokom svoje karijere, objavila je preko 130 članaka u časopisima, od kojih su mnogi bili u koautorstvu sa E. Ruth Hedeman, i uglavnom o sunčevim bakljama.[2][5][6][7] Među njenim studentima na Goucheru bili su astronomi Nan Dieter-Conklin i Harriet H. Malitson.[8]
Dean Van Meter Fellowship, Goucher College (1932)[9]
Nagrada Annie Jump Cannon u astronomiji (1955)[10]
Fakultetska nagrada za izuzetna dostignuća Univerziteta u Mičigenu (1974)[11]
Asteroid 71669 Dodsonprince, koji su astronomi otkrili u Catalina Sky Survey 2000, nazvan je u njenu čast.[12] Zvanični naziv naziva je objavio Centar za male planete 8. novembra 2019. (M.P.C. 118220).[13]
Dodson, Helen Walter, and E. Ruth Hedeman. "Problems of differentiation of flares with respect to geophysical effects." (1964).
Dodson, Helen W., and E. Ruth Hedeman. "The proton flare of August 28, 1966." Solar Physics 4.2 (1968): 229–239.
Dodson, Helen W., E. Ruth Hedeman, and A. E. Covington. "Solar Flares and Associated 2800 Mc/sec (10.7 Cm) Radiation." The Astrophysical Journal 119 (1954): 541.
Dodson, Helen W., and E. Ruth Hedeman. "Geomagnetic disturbances associated with solar flares with major premaximum bursts at radio frequencies 200 MC/S." Journal of Geophysical Research 63.1 (1958): 77–96.
Dodson, Helen W., and E. Ruth Hedeman. "Geomagnetic disturbances associated with solar flares with major premaximum bursts at radio frequencies 200 MC/S." Journal of Geophysical Research 63.1 (1958): 77–96.
Dodson, Helen W., E. Ruth Hedeman, and Leif Owren. "Solar Flares and Associated 200 Mc/sec Radiation." The Astrophysical Journal 118 (1953): 169.
Dodson, Helen W., and E. Ruth Hedeman. "The Frequency and Positions of Flares Within Three Active Sunspot Areas." The Astrophysical Journal 110 (1949): 242.
An experimental comprehensive flare index and its derivation for" Major" flares, 1955-1969. Vol. 14., compiled by Helen W. Dodson and E. Ruth Hedeman; prepared by Research Laboratories, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data Service. 1971.
^Harvey, Joy Dorothy and Marilyn Ogilvie. The Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science: Pioneering Lives from Ancient Times to the Mid-20th Century. New York and London: Routledge, 2000. 1055
^Lindner, Rudi Paul (januar 2009). "Obituary: Helen Dodson Prince, 1905-2002". Bulletin of the Astronomical Society. 41: 575. Bibcode:2009BAAS...41..575L.