Fosilni list bukve Fagus sylvatica iz kasnog pliocena Francuske, prije oko milion godina
Paleobotanika je grana botanike koja se bavi otkrivanjem i identifikacijom ostataka biljaka iz minulih geoloških epoha i njihovom upotrebom za biološku rekonstrukciju prošlih okruženja (paleogeografija) i evolucijske historije biljaka , sa uticajem na evoluciju života uopće. Sinonim joj je paleofitologija . To je komponenta paleontologije i paleobiologije . Prefiks palaeo – znači „prastari, stari“,[ 1] ai izveden je iz pridjeva grč. παλαιός – palaios = prastari.[ 2]
Paleobotanika uključuje proučavanje Embryophyta (fosile , kopnenih biljaka kao i istraživanje prahistorijskih morskih fotoautotrofa, kao što su fotosintetske alge , morske alge ili slatkovodne alge . Usko srodno polje je palinologija , koja uključuje istraživanje fosiliziranih spora i polena .
Primjeri prahistorijskih biljaka su:
Edward W. Berry (1875–1945), paleoekologija i fitogeografija
William Gilbert Chaloner (1928–2016)
Isabel Cookson (1893–1973), rane vaskularne biljke i p* Dianne Edwards (1942–), kolonizacija zemljišta ranim zemaljskim florama
Thomas Maxwell Harris (1903–1983), mezozojske biljke Jameson Landa (Grenland ) i Jorkšir.
Robert Kidston (1852–1924), ranonikle biljke, dеvоnska i karboniferna flora i njihova upotreba u stratigrafiji
Ethel Ida Sanborn (1883–1952), izumrla flora Oregona i zapadnih Sjedinjenih Država
Birbal Sahni (1891–1949), revizija biljaka indijske Gondvane
Dunkinfield Henry Scott (1854–1934), analiza struktura fosilnih biljaka
Constantin von Ettingshausen (1826–1897), tercijarna flora
Kaspar Maria von Sternberg (1761–1838), „otac paleobotanike“
Franz Unger (1800–1870), pionir u fiziologiji bilja i nauci o zemljištu
Jack A. Wolfe (1936–2005), tercijarna paleoklima zapadne Severne Amerikej
Gilbert Arthur Leisman (1924–1996), poznat po radu na karbonifernim likofitima centralne Severne Amerike.
^ Stearn, W.T. (2004). Botanical Latin (4th (p/b) izd.). Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. str. 460. ISBN 978-0-7153-1643-6 .
^ Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (1940). "παλαιός" . A Greek-English Lexicon . Oxford: Clarendon Press. Pristupljeno 16. 7. 2019 .
Brongniart, A. (1822), "Sur la classification et la distribution des végétaux fossiles en général, et sur ceux des terrains de sediment supérieur en particulier", Mém. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. , 8 : 203–240, 297–348
Cleal, C.J.; Thomas, B.A. (2010), "Botanical nomenclature and plant fossils", Taxon , 59 : 261–268
Greuter, W.; McNeill, J.; Barrie, F R.; Burdet, H.M.; Demoulin, V.; Filgueiras, T.S.; Nicolson, D.H.; Silva, P.C.; Skog, J.E.; Turland, N.J.; Hawksworth, D.L. (2000), International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Saint Louis Code) , Königstein.: Koeltz Scientific Books, ISBN 978-3-904144-22-3
Jongmans, W.J.; Halle, T.G.; Gothan, W. (1935), Proposed additions to the International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature adopted by the fifth International Botanical Congress Cambridge1930 , Heerlen, OCLC 700752855
Lanjouw, J.; Baehni, C.; Merrill, E.D.; Rickett, H.W.; Robyns, W.; Sprague, T.A.; Stafleu, F.A. (1952), International Code of Botanical Nomenclature: Adopted by the Seventh International Botanical Congress; Stockholm, July 1950 , Regnum Vegetabile 3, Utrecht: International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy, OCLC 220069027
McNeill, J., ured. (2006), International code of botanical nomenclature (Vienna Code) adopted by the seventeenth International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, July 2005 (electronic izd.), Vienna: International Association for Plant Taxonomy, arhivirano s originala , 6. 10. 2012, pristupljeno 20. 2. 2011
Meyer-Berthaud, Brigitte; Scheckler, S.E.; Wendt, J. (1999), "Archaeopteris is the Earliest Modern Tree", Nature , 398 (6729): 700–701, Bibcode :1999Natur.398..700M , doi :10.1038/19516
Thomas, H.H. (1935), "Proposed additions to the International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature suggested by British palæobotanists" (PDF) , Journal of Botany , 73 : 111
Wellman, Charles H.; Osterloff, Peter L.; Mohiuddin, Uzma (2003), "Fragments of the Earliest Land Plants" (PDF) , Nature , 425 (6955): 282–285, Bibcode :2003Natur.425..282W , doi :10.1038/nature01884 , PMID 13679913
Wilson N. Stewart and Gar W. Rothwell. 2010. Paleobotany and the Evolution of Plants , Second edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 978-0-521-38294-6 .
Thomas N. Taylor, Edith L. Taylor, and Michael Krings. 2008. Paleobotany: The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants , 2nd edition. Academic Press (an imprint of Elsevier): Burlington, MA; New York, NY; San Diego, CA, USA, London, UK. 1252 pages. ISBN 978-0-12-373972-8 .
International Organisation of Paleobotany
Botanical Society of America – Paleobotanical Section Arhivirano 21. 10. 2019. na Wayback Machine
Paleobotany Research Group, University Münster, Germany
Fossil Plants At The Chalk Bluff Hydraulic Gold Mine, California
High Sierra Nevada Fossil Plants, Alpine County, California
Paleobotanical Field Trip To The Sailor Flat Hydraulic Gold Mine, California
Fossil Plants Of The Ione Basin, California
Dinosaur-Age Fossil Leaves At Del Puerto Creek, California
Fossil Plants At Aldrich Hill, Nevada
Fossil Leaves And Seeds In West-Central Nevada
Field Trip To The Copper Basin Flora, Nevada
Fossil Plants And Insects At Bull Run, Nevada
Fossil Plants At Buffalo Canyon, Nevada
Plant Fossils In The Dead Camel Range, Nevada
The Biota of Early Terrestrial Ecosystems: The Rhynie Chert, University of Aberdeen, UK
Bibliography of Paleobotany
The Sternberg Project Arhivirano 10. 10. 2004. na Wayback Machine
PaleoNet – listservs and links related to paleontology
Jurassic Park plants Arhivirano 21. 10. 2007. na Wayback Machine Plants that lived when dinosaurs roamed the earth
Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms Arhivirano 14. 8. 2020. na Wayback Machine
Links for Palaeobotanists