Abdul Raheem Glaiati

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Abdul Raheem Glaiati va ser un reconegut poeta i editor de premsa del Sudan. Entre 1914 i 1917 publicà el diari Al-Ra'id (El Pioner). Per haver publicat un article on descrivia el baix nivell de vida del poble sudanès, va ser deportat a Egipte.


  • El-Nour, Eiman (1997) "The Development of Contemporary Literature in Sudan" Research in African Literatures 28(3) pp. 150–162, p. 151151
  • El-Amin, Mohammed Nuri (1986) "Britain, The 1924 Sudanese Uprising, and the Impact of Egypt on the Sudan". International Journal of African Historical Studies 19(2) pp. 235–260
  • Sharkey, Heather J. (1999)A Century in Print: Arabic Journalism and Nationalism in Sudan 1899-1999.International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies,31:4 (1999). pp. 534-549 «Publications». [Consulta: 24 juny 2012].