Els disturbis antisemites a Oujda i Jerada de 1948 van ocórrer en aquesta ciutat i a Oujda. A Jerada la població jueva, que constava de prop d'un centenar d'ànimes, havia estat envoltada per una torba incontrolable i atacada amb ferocitat indignant.[2] Ni els nens ni les persones grans es van salvar; trenta-nou jueus van perdre la vida, trenta van ser ferits de gravetat i altres menys greument.[3]
↑Dalit Atrakchi (2001). "The Moroccan Nationalist Movement and Its Attitude toward Jews and Zionism". In Michael M. Laskier and Yaacov Lev. The Divergence of Judaism and Islam. University Press of Florida. p. 163.: "...the riots that broke out on 7 June 1948 in the cities of Oujda and Jerada, close to the border between Morocco and Algeria, which served as a transfer station for Moroccan Jews on their way to Israel... It is believed that the riots were brought on by the speech given a short while earlier by Sultan Muḥammad Ben-Yussuf, which inveighed against the Zionists and cried for solidarity with the Arabs fighting in Israel. Claims have been made that the French authorities not only knew about these impending events but also goaded and collaborated with the instigators as a provocation against the heads of the Moroccan Independence Party, who could later be blamed for committing murder."