March on, Bahamaland és l'himne nacional de les Bahames. Va ser compost per Timothy Gibson[1] i adoptat el 1973, quan les Bahames es van independitzar del Regne Unit.[1][2] L'himne anterior, God Save the King, encara es fa servir com a himne reial.[2]
Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland;
March on to glory, your bright banners waving high.
See how the world marks the manner of your bearing!
Pledge to excel through love and unity.
Pressing onward, march together
to a common loftier goal;
Steady sunward, tho' the weather
hide the wide and treacherous shoal.
Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland,
'Til the road you've trod lead unto your God,
March on, Bahamaland!