Rivka Oxman (hebreu: רבקה אוקסמן , 1950) és una arquitecta i investigadora israeliana. Professora del Technion-Institut Tecnològic d'Israel- a Haifa, el seu camp de recerca està relacionat amb el disseny i la computació, inclosos l'arquitectura i els mètodes digitals, i l'exploració de la seva contribució a l'aparició de nous paradigmes de disseny i pràctica arquitectònics.
Oxman va anar a l'Escola Reali Hebrea (Hebrew Reali School) de Haifa fins a l'any 1966. Es va graduar en l'Institut de Tecnologia Technion - Israel, on després es va convertir en professora de la Facultat d'Arquitectura i Urbanisme. Ha estat professora visitant a la Universitat Stanford i de la Universitat Tècnica de Delft i ha realitzat estades en el MIT i a Berkeley. Ha treballat a la Universitat de Sídney i a la Universitat de Kaiserslautern. L'any 1975 es va casar amb el seu company, l'arquitecte Robert Oxman, i tenen dues filles, Neri i Keren.
L'any 2006 es va convertir en consellera de DRS, Design Research Society, una societat de recerca sobre el disseny.[1] És editora associada de la revista Design Studies, i membre del consell editorial d'altres revistes sobre teoria del disseny i disseny digital.[2] L'any 2010, ella i la seva parella coeditaren un nombre especial de la revista Architectural Design amb el títol de “New Structuralism" i aquesta llegenda: "la convergència del nou disseny, l'enginyeria i la tecnologia arquitectònica cap a una nova manera de sintetitzar materials i crear espais".[3] L'any 2014 van editar el llibre Teories del digital en arquitectura, una descripció general del camp amb capítols de dotzenes de col·laboradors.
- Oxman Rivka (1990). "Design Shells: A Formalism for Prototype Refinement in Knowledge-Based Design Systems". Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Vol. 5, No. 9
- Oxman Rivka (1990). "Prior Knowledge in Design, A Dynamic Knowledge-Based Model of Design and Creativity" Design Studies, Butterworth-Heinemann. Vol.11, No.1
- Oxman Rivka (1994). "Precedents in Design: a Computational Model for the Organization of Precedent Knowledge", Design Studies, Vol. 15 No. 2
- Oxman Rivka (1997). "Design by Re-Representation: A Model of Visual Reasoning in Design" in Akin O. (ed.) a special issue on Prescriptive and Descriptive Models of Design, Design Studies, Vol. 18, No. 4
- Oxman Rivka (1999) "Educating the Designerly Thinker” in W.M. McCracken, C.M. Eastman and W. Newsletter (eds.) special issue on Cognition in Design Education, Design Studies Vol. 20, No.2
- Oxman Rivka (2001). “The Mind in Design - A Conceptual Framework for Cognition in Design Education” in C. Eastman, W.M. McCracken and W. Newsletter (Eds.) Knowing and Learning to Design: Cognition in Design Education, Elsevier, Oxford
- Bar-On D.* and Oxman R. (2002) “Context Over content: ICPD, A Conceptual Schema for the Building Technology Domain” Automation in Construction, Vol 11, No.4
- Oxman Rivka (2002). “The Thinking Eye: Visual Re-Cognition in Design Emergence”. Design Studies, Vol. 23 No. 2
- This paper received the Annual Design Studies Best Paper Award, granted by the Design Research Society and Elsevier Science.
- Oxman Rivka (2003) “Think-Maps: Teaching Design Thinking in Design Education”. Design Studies, Vol. 25 No. 1
- Oxman Rivka, Palmon O.* Shahar M. and Weiss P. T. (2004). "Beyond the Reality Syndrome: Designing Presence in Virtual Environments" in Architecture in the Network Society, ECAADE 2004, European Computer Aided Architectural Design in Education, ISBN 0-9541183-2-4 0-9541183-2-40-9541183-2-4 Copenhagen, Denmark
- Oxman Rivka (2006) “Theory and Design in the First Digital Age” Design Studies, Vol. 27 No. 3
- Sass L. and Oxman Rivka (2006) “Materializing Design” Design Studies, Vol. 27 No. 3
- Oxman Rivka (2007) "Digital Architecture: Re-thinking Theory, Knowledge, Models and Medium - Challenge to Digital Design and Design Pedagogy"
- Oxman Rivka (2008) “Performance based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues” IJAC International Journal of Architectural Computing Vol. 6 Issue 1
- Oxman Rivka (2010) “Morphogenesis in the theory and methodology of digital tectonics“ in a special issue on Morphogenesis, IASS: Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 51(3)
- Oxman Rivka and Oxman Robert (2010) Guest Editors, “The New Structuralism: Design, Engineering and Architectural Technologies”, a special issue of Architectural Design. Wiley Publications, July 2010, ISBN 978-0-470-74227-3 978-0-470-74227-3978-0-470-74227-3
- Theories of the Digital in Architecture (2014) - Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman, Editors, ISBN 978-0415469241 978-0415469241978-0415469241
- "Informed Tectonics in Material-based Design" (2013) in SIM, the International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, Lisboa, Portugal
- "The New Structuralism" (2011) in CAAD, the International Conference on Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Lieja, Bèlgica[4]
- "The New Structuralism as a Material Practice" (2011) in CAADRIA 2001, Newcastle, Austràlia
- "Digital architecture as a challenge for design pedagogy: theory, knowledge, models and medium in Concepts beyond Geometry" (2009) in DMS, The International Design Modeling Symposium, Berlín, Alemanya[5]
- "DDNET Conceptual Structures of Digital Design" (2009) in SIGraDi 2009, São Paulo, Brasil[6][7]
- "Morphogenesis in Archi-Engineering" (2008) in IASS 2008, The 6th International Symposium on Structural Morphology, Workshop on Digital Morphogenesis Acapulco de Juárez, Mèxic
- "Digital Design Theory and Methodology" (2007) in the Rhino Symposium in association with London Metropolitan University, Londres, Regne Unit
- "Digital Design Paradigms" (2005) under the MECESUP UCH-0217 initiative, Celebration of the 155 year anniversary of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Santiago, Xile
- "Theoretical Foundations of Digital Architecture" (2004) in the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Design, Porto Alegre Brasil
- "The Challenge of Design Computation" (1997) in ECAADE 5th International Conference of the European Computer Aided Architectural Design in Education, Vienna University of Technology, Viena, Àustria