Zkameněliny tohoto dinosaura formálně popsal paleontolog Joseph Leidy v roce 1856.[2] O rok dříve fosilie objevil geolog Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden v sedimentech souvrstní Judith River na území dnešní Montany. Tento taxon má nicméně složitou historii a v současnosti je považován za nomen dubium (pochybné vědecké jméno).[3][4]
↑Leidy, J. (1856). "Notice of remains of extinct reptiles and fishes, discovered by Dr. F. V. Hayden in the Bad Lands of the Judith River, Nebraska Territories." Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science Philadelphia, 8 (March 25): 72-73.
↑Russell, L. S. (1930). "Upper Cretaceous dinosaur faunas of North America." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 69(1): 133-159.
↑Sternberg, C. M. (1936). The systematic position of Trachodon. Journal of Paleontology, 10(7): 652-655.
↑Horner, J. R., Weishampel, D. B., and Forster, C. A. (2004). Hadrosauridae. In: Weishampel, D.B., Dodson, P., and Osmólska, H. (eds.). The Dinosauria (second edition). University of California Press: Berkeley, 438-463. ISBN 0-520-06727-4
Cope, E. D. (1876). Descriptions of some vertebrate remains from the Fort Union Beds of Montana. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 28: 248-261.
Cope, E. D. (1883). The structure and appearance of the Laramie dinosaurian. American Naturalist, 37: 774-777.
Cope, E. D. (1889). Notes on the Dinosauria of the Laramie. The American Naturalist23: 904-906.
Hatcher, J.B. (1902). The genus and species of the Trachodontidae (Hadrosauridae, Claosauridae) Marsh. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 14(1): 377-386.
Brett-Surman, M. K. (1989). A revision of the Hadrosauridae (Reptilia: Ornithischia) and their evolution during the Campanian and Maastrichtian. Ph.D. dissertation, George Washington University, Washington, D. C., str. 1–272.
Dodson, Peter (2009). "Dinosaurs in America – Joseph Leidy & the Academy of Natural Sciences". American Paleontologist.17 (2): 32.