Шыв тумламĕ . Вăл çийел карăнавне кура саланса каймасть
Çийел карăнавĕ — физикăлла пулăм тата термодинамикăлла кăтарту.
What is surface tension?
On surface tension and interesting real-world cases
Surface Tensions of Various Liquids
Calculation of temperature-dependent surface tensions for some common components
Surface tension calculator for aqueous solutions 2020 ҫулхи Нарӑс уйӑхӗн 22-мӗшӗнче архивланӑ . containing the ions H+ , Na+ , K+ , Mg2+ , Ca2+ , Cl− , Br− and OH− .
T. Proctor Hall (1893) New methods of measuring surface tension in liquids , Philosophical Magazine (series 5, 36: 385–415), link from Biodiversity Heritage Library .
The Bubble Wall (ĕçлемен каçă) (Audio slideshow from the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory explaining cohesion, surface tension and hydrogen bonds)
C. Pfister: Interface Free Energy. Scholarpedia 2010 (from first principles of statistical mechanics)
Fundamentals of surface and interfacial tension 2018 ҫулхи Утӑ уйӑхӗн 24-мӗшӗнче архивланӑ .
Surface and Interfacial Tension
(March 1971) «Molten salts mixture surface tension». The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 3 (2): 259–265. DOI :10.1016/S0021-9614(71)80111-8 .
Методы определения поверхностного натяжения 2021 ҫулхи Кӑрлач уйӑхӗн 22-мӗшӗнче архивланӑ .
Видео о физической природе поверхностного натяжения жидкости как части внутренней энергии (выр.)