Трансаляска нехтă ярăшĕн эстакадăлла пайĕ
Пăрăхла ярăш тра́нспорчĕ — пăрăхсемпе чĕртавара (шĕвексене е газсене ), çавăн пекех продуктсене (хуть те мĕнле химилле япалалăхсене , май пулсан) куçарни[ 1] .
Pipeline news and industry magazine (акăлч.)
Pipeline Politics in Asia: The Intersection of Demand, Energy Markets, and Supply Routes , by Mikkal E. Herberg et al. (National Bureau of Asian Research , 2010) (акăлч.)
The Dolphin Project: The Development of a Gulf Gas Initiative , by Justin Dargin, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Jan 2008 Working Paper NG #22 (акăлч.)
UK — Linewatch — a joint awareness initiative between 14 oil and gas pipeline operators (акăлч.)
«Submarine Gas Pipe Line Taps Undersea Wealth» November 1951 article about first undersea gas pipeline constructed in the US and the problems encountered (акăлч.)
«The Marvels Of Underground Oil Railroads» Popular Science April 1937 (акăлч.)
Construction and delivery of compressor stations for a gas pipeline in the Soviet Union by AEG (company video from the 1970s with subtitles) (акăлч.)
Gas Pipeline Safety: Guidance and More Information Needed before Using Risk-Based Reassessment Intervals: Report to Congressional Committees Government Accountability Office
The construction of unique Baku-Batum pipeline in the Trans-Caucasus. // "Engineering and Applied Sciences" (USA), 2018, v.3, issue 5, October, p.129-133. (акăлч.)