Фэддэ Скайрер (фризла пуплени [ˈfɛdə ˈskyːrər]; дан чĕлхи пуплени [ˈfɛdə ˈsxyːrər]) (Драхтен , 1898 çул, утă, 25 – Херенвен , 1968 çул, пуш, 19)[ 1] дан шкул вĕрентӳçи, журналист, чĕлхе хӳтĕлевçи, политик,[ 2] çаплах 20 ĕмĕрте анăç-фриз чĕлхипе хайланă сăвăç.[ 3] [ 4]
Фэддэ Скайрер палăкĕ, Херенвен .
1925 - Fersen ("Poems")
1931 - Utflecht ("First Flight")
1936 - Op Alle Winen ("On Every Wind")
1940 - Fen Twa Wâllen ("Not Choosing One over the Other")
1947 - It Boek fan de Psalmen ("The Book of Psalms" – not a translation)
1949 - Vox Humana
1955 - Frysk Psalm- en Gesangboek ("Frisian Book of Psalms and Songs", rhymed version in Frisian of the Dutch liturgical songbook)
1955 - Fingerprinten ("Fingerprints")
1966 - Efter it Nijs ("Behind the News")
1966 - Opheind en Trochjown ("Caught and Passed On")
1966 - De Gitaer by it Boek , part 1 ("The Guitar by the Book")
1969 - De Gitaer by it Boek , part 2
1974 - Samle Fersen ("Collected Poetry", republished in 1975)
1963 – Beam en Bast ("Tree and Bark", short story collection)
1963 – Brood op het Water ("Bread on the Water", collection of Schurer's editorials in the Friese Koerier newspaper, partly in Dutch)
1969 – De Besleine Spegel ("The Blurred Mirror", unfinished autobiography, republished in 1998 and 2010)
1945 – Симсон ("Samson", Biblical tragedy)
1954 – Бонифациус ("Saint Boniface", historical tragedy)
1931 - Heinrich Heine: Oersettings út Syn Dichtwirk ("Heinrich Heine: Translation from His Poetry")
1966 - Book of Esther (translation for the New Frisian Bible Translation)
Boomsma, Peter R., Kneppelfreed , Franeker (Uitgeverij Van Wijnen), 1998, ISBN 9 05 19 41 838
Dykstra, Klaes, and Bouke Oldenhof, Lyts Hânboek fan de Fryske Literatuer , Leeuwarden (Afûk), 1997, ISBN 9 07 00 10 526 , pp. 92-95
Liemburg, Johanneke, Fedde Schurer (1898-1968): Biografie van een Friese Koerier , Leeuwarden (Friese Pers/Noordboek), 2010, ISBN 978-9 03 30 08 689
Schurer, Fedde, De Besleine Spegel , Amsterdam (Moussault's Uitgeverij N.V.), 1969 (autobiography)
Steenmeijer-Wielenga, Tineke, Fedde Schurer , in the Biografisch Woordenboek van het Socialisme en de Arbeidersbeweging in Nederland (BWSA), 1987, pp. 146-148