Alexander Emric Jones (født 11. februar 1974)[3] er en amerikansk radiovært og konspirationsteoretiker.[5][6][7][8][9] Han er vært for radioshowet The Alex Jones Show[10] og ejer af kortbølgeradiostationen WWCR.[11] Derudover er han også ejer af det kontroversielle nyhedsmedie[12][13][14][15][16][17]
Amerikanske medier har beskrevet ham som konservativ[18], højreorienteret, alt-right[19][20] og højreekstremistisk.[21][22][23]
- ^ Roddy, Dennis B. (10. april 2009). "An Accused Cop Killer's Politics". Slate. Hentet 23. juli 2009.
- ^ Rosell, Rich (27. november 2006). "Dark days, the Alex Jones interview".
- ^ "Alex Jones". Facebook. 11. februar 1974. Hentet 22. juli 2016.
- ^ Roig-Franzia, Manuel (17. november 2016). "How Alex Jones, conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, got Donald Trump's ear". Washington Post. Hentet 8. december 2016.
- ^ "Sandy Hook parents sue radio host Alex Jones for defamation". BBC News. 17. april 2018. Hentet 17. april 2018.
- ^ Byford, Jovan (12. oktober 2011). Conspiracy Theories: A Critical Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan. s. 11. ISBN 9780230349216. Hentet 23. november 2013.
- ^ "The Scalia conspiracy theories are getting out of hand". The Independent (britisk engelsk). 15. februar 2016. Hentet 20. maj 2016.
- ^ Peter Knight "Outrageous Conspiracy Theories: Popular and Official Responses to 9/11 in Germany and the United States" New German Critique, No. 103, Dark Powers: Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theory in History and Literature (Winter, 2008), pp. 165-193 Published by: Duke University Press Stable URL: Accessed: 30-01-2018 16:25 UTC
- ^ List of Alex Jones Radio Show Affiliated Stations.
- ^ " Shortwave". Nashville, Tennessee:
- ^ Dicker, Rachel (14. november 2016). "Avoid These Fake News Sites at All Costs". U.S. News & World Report. Hentet 27. november 2016.
- ^ Roy, Jessica (17. november 2016). "Want to keep fake news out of your newsfeed? College professor creates list of sites to avoid". LA Times. Hentet 15. december 2016.
- ^ Blake, Andrew (9. december 2016). "Infowars' Alex Jones appeals to Trump for aid over fears of 'fake news' crackdown". Washington Times. Hentet 15. december 2016.
- ^ Mencimer, Stephanie (12. december 2016). "PizzaGate Shooter Read Alex Jones. Here Are Some Other Fans Who Perpetrated Violent Acts". Mother Jones. Hentet 1. januar 2017.
- ^ Don't get fooled by these fake news sites. CBS News. Hentet: 27. januar 2018.
- ^ Hinckley, Story (December 15, 2016). Why fake news holds such allure. The Christian Science Monitor. Hentet: 28. januar 2018.
- ^ Norman, Tony (14. august 2009). "A nutty way of discussing health care". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Arkiveret fra originalen 17. august 2009. Hentet 13. maj 2018.
- ^ "Alt-right conspiracy theories blame Antifa for the mass shooting in Las Vegas". 3. oktober 2017.
- ^ Payton, Matt (18. oktober 2016). "Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump is using 'alt-right' conspiracy theorist's talking points". The Independent. Hentet 18. oktober 2016.
- ^ Stack, Liam (14. november 2016). "Globalism: A Far-Right Conspiracy Theory Buoyed by Trump". The New York Times. The New York Times. Hentet 19. februar 2017.
- ^ Griffing, Alexander
(March 3, 2017). Who Is Alex Jones? Donald Trump's Favorite Conspiracy Theorist. Haaretz. Hentet: 3. marts 2017.
- ^ "Video shows Alex Jones getting cup of boiling coffee thrown in his face". The Independent. 18. august 2017. Hentet 5. oktober 2017.