
Biorytmer – 66 dage

En biorytme er et begreb, der hævdes at kunne forklare/forudsige forskellige aspekter ved en persons liv gennem analyse af simple matematiske svingninger. De fleste forskere mener, at biorytmer er et uvidenskabeligt koncept, og at forudsigelser ved hjælp af biorytmer er lige så præcise som forudsigelser baseret på tilfældigheder.[1] og anser konceptet som pseudovidenskab.[2][3][4][5]

Svingningerne hævdes at ske på de intellektuelle, følelsesmæssige og fysiske områder.

  • Den fysiske periode er på 23 dage
  • Den psykiske periode er på 28 dage
  • Den intellektuelle periode er på 33 dage

Når ens svingninger er i toppen, er det en dag hvor der kan ske noget godt for en, og man skal bruge dagen til noget godt. Når ens svingninger er i bund, er det en dag man bør tilbringe under dynen eller hjemme.

  1. ^ "Effects of circadian rhythm phase alteration on physiological and psychological variables: Implications to pilot performance (including a partially annotated bibliography)". NASA-TM-81277. NASA. 1981-03-01. Hentet 2011-05-25. "No evidence exists to support the concept of biorhythms; in fact, scientific data refute their existence."
  2. ^ Carroll, Robert Todd. "Biorhythms". Skeptic's Dictionary. Hentet 2008-02-21. "The theory of biorhythms is a pseudoscientific theory that claims our daily lives are significantly affected by rhythmic cycles overlooked by scientists who study biological rhythms."
  3. ^ Clark Glymour, Douglas Stalker (1990). "Winning through pseudoscience". I Patrick Grim (red.). ? Philosophy of science and the occult. SUNY series in philosophy (2, revised udgave). SUNY Press. s. 92, 94. ISBN 978-0-7914-0204-7. They'll cheerfully empty their pockets to anyone with a twinkle in their eye and a pseudoscience in their pocket. Astrology, biorhythms, ESP, numerology, astral projection, scientology, UFOlogy, pyramid power, psychic surgeons, Atlantis real state (...). (...) your pseudoscience will have better sales potential if it makes use of a mysterious device, or a lot of calculations (but simple calculations) (...) The great models [of this sales potential] are astrology and biorhythms (...).
  4. ^ Raimo Toumela (1987). "Science, Protoscience and Pseudoscience". I Joseph C. Pitt, Marcello Pera (red.). Rational changes in science: essays on scientific reasoning. Boston studies in the philosophy of science. Vol. 98 (illustrated udgave). Springer. s. 94, 96. ISBN 978-90-277-2417-5. If we take such pseudosciences as astrology, the theory of biorhythms, suitable parts of parapsychology, homeopathy and faith healing (...) Such examples of pseudoscience as the theory of biorhythms, astrology, dianetics, creationism, [and] faith healing may seem too obvious examples of pseudoscience for academic readers (this is the author's subjective opinion, and unprofessional in my own opinion - DBN).
  5. ^ Stefan Ploch (2003). "Metatheoretical problems in phonology with Occam's Razor and non-ad-hoc-ness". I Jonathan Kaye, Stefan Ploch (red.). Living on the edge: 28 papers in honour of Jonathan Kaye. Studies in generative grammar. Walter de Gruyter. s. 166, 174-176, 186, footnotes 15 and 17 in page 199. ISBN 978-3-11-017619-3. the following quote about the pseudoscientific biorhythm theory [p. 174–175] (...) we can eliminate ad hoc hypotheses (i.e. arbitrariness) that are the hallmark of all pseudosciences (astrology, biorhythm theory, (...) [p. 176] Unfortunately, in the case of the most socially successful [not scientific] theories, just as in the case of astrology, (evolution,) and biorhythm "theory", we are dealing with something that resembles quackery closely. [p.186] (...) what matters is that falsifying data is systematically discounted in this pseudotheory. [p. 199].

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