Preakness Stakes er et amerikansk hestevæddeløb, der årligt afholdes den tredje lørdag i maj hvert år på Pimlico Race Course i Baltimore, Maryland. Løbet er åbent for treårige hingste og hopper af racen engelsk fuldblod. Løbet er i Klasse I og løbes over en distance på på 9,5 furlongs (1 3⁄16 miles (1.900 m)) på underlag af jord. Hingste og vallakker bærer 126 pund (57 kg); hopper 121 pund (55 kg). Løbet er det andet løb i den amerikanske serie Triple Crown, og afholdes to uger efter Kentucky Derby , og tre uger før Belmont Stakes.
Preakness Stakes blev afviklet første gang i 1873 og blev opkaldt efter en vindende hingst i Pimlico. Løbet er efter Kentucky Derby, det løb i Nordamerika, der tiltrækker flest tilskuere.
To år før Kentucky Derby blev afviklet for første gang, blev på Pimlico i foråret 1873 afviklet et nyt hestevæddeløb for treårige. Løbet blev af tidligere guvernør Oden Bowie navngivet efter hesten Preakness, der i 1870 vandt hovedløbet den dag væddeløbsbanen Plimco åbnede.[1]
Ved det første Preakness Stakes den 27. maj 1873 startede syv heste. Vinderen blev med 10 længder Survivor, hvis ejer John Chamberlain modtog førstepræmien på $2,050.
Løbet blev i 1890 flyttet til Morris Park Racecourse i the Bronx i New York og ophørte herefter i de følgende tre år.[2] Løbet blev genoptaget i 1894, nu på banen Gravesend Race Track på Coney Island i New York. Løbet blev afviklet her fra 1894 til 1908. I 1909 blev løbet flyttet tilbage til Pimlico.[3]
Løbet har haft en ret festlig atmosfære gennem tiderne, særlig i inderkredsen, hvor der er almindelig adgang for publikum.[4] Banen havde tidligere en politik, hvor publikum kunne medbringe sine egne drikkevarer, hvilket omfattede fustager med øl m.v. I 2000'erne blev det dog begrænset til, at publikum kun måtte medtage så mange øldåser, de kunne slæbe i en køletaske.[4] Arrangørernes afslappede holdning til alkohol ophørte i 2009, da der cirkulerede videoer med fulde tilskuere, der løb om kap på de mobile toiletter, mens øldåser regnede ned over dem. Preakness Stakes havde gennem en årrække fået et ry som "en 10-timers fest for at fejre et løb på 2 minutter", og restriktionerne medførte, at tilskuerantallet faldt fra over 100.000 til 77.850 i 2010.[5][6]
Som en reaktion på det faldende tilskuertal indførtes i 2010 en såkaldt "InfieldFest" med koncerter, et "Mug Club", et ølkrus med ret til ubegrænset genopfyldning, og andre tiltag til at skabe stemning. Ændringerne fik tilskuerantallet til at stige igen, og er i dag på niveau med tidligere.[5][7] [6]
Bortset fra InfieldFest er løbet kendt for sine smarte hatte og den officielle cocktail, "Black-eyed Susan", bestående af vodka, St. Germain likør, ananas-, lime- og appelsinjuice.[8]
Hurtigste tid:
Secretariat, vinderen fra 1973 og senere vinder af Triple Crown, var oprindeligt noteret med en tid på 1:55. To målinger viste imidlertid en tid på 1:53 2/5, hvilket var ny rekord. Efter en høring til afklaring af tidsforskellen. Under høringen blev vist videoer, der viste, at Secretariat var hurtigere end den tidligere rekordholder, Canonero II, men i stedet for at give Secretariat rekorden, blev det besluttet, at tage gennemsnittet af den officielle tidsmåling og den alternative måling, hvorved tiden blev sat til 1:54 2/5. Sagen blev endeligt løst i juni 2012 under et møde i Maryland Racing-Kommissionen, der enstemmigt fastslog, at ændre Secretariats tid til 1:53 baseret på vidneudsagn og analyser af optagelser af løbet.[9] Dermed har Secretariat den aktuelle officielle tidsrekord for alle tre løb, der kræves for at vinde Triple Crown.
Største sejrsmargen
Flest sejre af en jockey:
Flest sejre af en træner:
Flest sejre af en ejer:
År | Vinders navn | Alder | Jockey | Træner | Ejer | Dist. (miles) |
Time* | Purse |
2016 | Exaggerator | 3 | Kent Desormeaux | J. Keith Desormeaux | Big Chief Racing LLC et al | 1-3/16 | 1:58.31 | $1,500,000 |
2015 | American Pharoah † | 3 | Victor Espinoza | Bob Baffert | Zayat Stables, LLC | 1-3/16 | 1:58.46 | $1,500,000 |
2014 | California Chrome | 3 | Victor Espinoza | Art Sherman | Steve Coburn & Perry Martin | 1-3/16 | 1:54.84 | $1,500,000 |
2013 | Oxbow | 3 | Gary Stevens | D. Wayne Lukas | Calumet Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:57.54 | $1,000,000 |
2012 | I'll Have Another | 3 | Mario Gutierrez | Doug O'Neill | J. Paul Reddam | 1-3/16 | 1:55.94 | $1,000,000 |
2011 | Shackleford | 3 | Jesus Castanon | Dale Romans | Mike Lauffer & W.D. Cubbedge |
1-3/16 | 1:56.47 | $1,500,000 |
2010 | Lookin At Lucky | 3 | Martin Garcia | Bob Baffert | Michael Pegram | 1-3/16 | 1:55.47 | $1,000,000 |
2009 | Rachel Alexandra‡ | 3 | Calvin Borel | Steve Asmussen | Stonestreet Stables/ H. T. McCormick |
1-3/16 | 1:55.08 | $1,100,000 |
2008 | Big Brown | 3 | Kent Desormeaux | Richard Dutrow | IEAH Stables & Paul Pompa, Jr. |
1-3/16 | 1:54.86 | $1,000,000 |
2007 | Curlin | 3 | Robby Albarado | Steve Asmussen | Stonestreet Stables | 1-3/16 | 1:53.46 | $1,000,000 |
2006 | Bernardini | 3 | Javier Castellano | Tom Albertrani | Darley Stables | 1-3/16 | 1:54.65 | $1,000,000 |
2005 | Afleet Alex | 3 | Jeremy Rose | Timothy Ritchey | Cash Is King Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:55.04 | $1,000,000 |
2004 | Smarty Jones | 3 | Stewart Elliott | John Servis | Someday Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:55.59 | $1,000,000 |
2003 | Funny Cide | 3 | Jose Santos | Barclay Tagg | Sackatoga Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:55.61 | $1,000,000 |
2002 | War Emblem | 3 | Victor Espinoza | Bob Baffert | The Thoroughbred Corp. | 1-3/16 | 1:56.40 | $1,000,000 |
2001 | Point Given | 3 | Gary Stevens | Bob Baffert | The Thoroughbred Corp. | 1-3/16 | 1:55.40 | $1,000,000 |
2000 | Red Bullet | 3 | Jerry Bailey | Joe Orseno | Stronach Stables | 1-3/16 | 1:56.00 | $1,000,000 |
1999 | Charismatic | 3 | Chris Antley | D. Wayne Lukas | Bob & Beverly Lewis | 1-3/16 | 1:55.20 | $1,000,000 |
1998 | Real Quiet | 3 | Kent Desormeaux | Bob Baffert | Michael Pegram | 1-3/16 | 1:54.60 | $1,000,000 |
1997 | Silver Charm | 3 | Gary Stevens | Bob Baffert | Bob & Beverly Lewis | 1-3/16 | 1:54.80 | $1,000,000 |
1996 | Louis Quatorze | 3 | Pat Day | Nick Zito | Condren/Cornacchia/ Hofmann |
1-3/16 | 1:53.40 | $800,000 |
1995 | Timber Country | 3 | Pat Day | D. Wayne Lukas† | Overbrook/Gainesway/ Robert B. Lewis |
1-3/16 | 1:54.40 | $750,000 |
1994 | Tabasco Cat | 3 | Pat Day | D. Wayne Lukas | D. P. Reynolds & Overbrook | 1-3/16 | 1:56.40 | $750,000 |
1993 | Prairie Bayou | 3 | Mike Smith | Tom Bohannan | Loblolly Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:56.60 | $750,000 |
1992 | Pine Bluff | 3 | Chris McCarron | Tom Bohannan | Loblolly Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:55.60 | $750,000 |
1991 | Hansel | 3 | Jerry Bailey | Frank L. Brothers | Lazy Lane Farms | 1-3/16 | 1:54.00 | $750,000 |
1990 | Summer Squall | 3 | Pat Day | Neil J. Howard | Dogwood Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:53.60 | $750,000 |
1989 | Sunday Silence | 3 | Pat Valenzuela | Char.Whittingham | H-G-W Partners | 1-3/16 | 1:53.80 | $750,000 |
1988 | Risen Star | 3 | Ed Delahoussaye | Louie Roussel | Louie J. Roussel III & R. Lamarque |
1-3/16 | 1:56.20 | $700,000 |
1987 | Alysheba | 3 | Chris McCarron | Jack Van Berg | Dorothy Scharbauer | 1-3/16 | 1:55.80 | $700,000 |
1986 | Snow Chief | 3 | Alex Solis | Melvin F. Stute | Carl Grinstead | 1-3/16 | 1:54.80 | $700,000 |
1985 | Tank's Prospect | 3 | Pat Day | D. Wayne Lukas | Eugene V. Klein | 1-3/16 | 1:53.40 | $700,000 |
1984 | Gate Dancer | 3 | Angel Cordero | Jack Van Berg | Kenneth Opstein | 1-3/16 | 1:53.60 | $400,000 |
1983 | Deputed Testamony | 3 | Donald Miller, Jr. | J. William Boniface | Bonita Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:55.40 | $400,000 |
1982 | Aloma's Ruler | 3 | Jack Kaenel | John J. Lenzini, Jr. | Nathan Scherr | 1-3/16 | 1:55.40 | $350,000 |
1981 | Pleasant Colony | 3 | Jorge Velasquez | John P. Campo | Buckland Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:54.60 | $350,000 |
1980 | Codex | 3 | Angel Cordero | D. Wayne Lukas | Tartan Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:54.20 | $300,000 |
1979 | Spectacular Bid | 3 | Ronnie Franklin | Bud Delp | Hawksworth Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:54.20 | $300,000 |
1978 | Affirmed † | 3 | Steve Cauthen | Laz Barrera | Harbor View Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:54.40 | $250,000 |
1977 | Seattle Slew † | 3 | Jean Cruguet | Bill Turner | Karen L. Taylor | 1-3/16 | 1:54.40 | $250,000 |
1976 | Elocutionist | 3 | John Lively | Paul T. Adwell | Eugene C. Cashman | 1-3/16 | 1:55.00 | $250,000 |
1975 | Master Derby | 3 | Darrel McHargue | Smiley Adams | Golden Chance Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:56.40 | $250,000 |
1974 | Little Current | 3 | Miguel A. Rivera | Lou Rondinello | Darby Dan Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:54.60 | $250,000 |
1973 | Secretariat † | 3 | Ron Turcotte | Lucien Laurin | Meadow Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:53.00 | $250,000 |
1972 | Bee Bee Bee | 3 | Eldon Nelson | Del W. Carroll | William S. Farish III | 1-3/16 | 1:55.60 | $250,000 |
1971 | Canonero II | 3 | Gustavo Avila | Juan Arias | Edgar Caibett | 1-3/16 | 1:54.00 | $250,000 |
1970 | Personality | 3 | Eddie Belmonte | John W. Jacobs | Ethel D. Jacobs | 1-3/16 | 1:56.20 | $200,000 |
1969 | Majestic Prince | 3 | Bill Hartack | Johnny Longden | Frank M. McMahon | 1-3/16 | 1:55.60 | $200,000 |
1968 | Forward Pass | 3 | Ismael Valenzuela | Henry Forrest | Calumet Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:56.80 | $200,000 |
1967 | Damascus | 3 | Bill Shoemaker | Frank Whiteley | Edith W. Bancroft | 1-3/16 | 1:55.20 | $200,000 |
1966 | Kauai King | 3 | Don Brumfield | Henry Forrest | Ford Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:55.40 | $200,000 |
1965 | Tom Rolfe | 3 | Ron Turcotte | Frank Whiteley | Powhatan Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:56.20 | $200,000 |
1964 | Northern Dancer | 3 | Bill Hartack | Horatio Luro | Windfields Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:56.80 | $200,000 |
1963 | Candy Spots | 3 | Bill Shoemaker | Mesh Tenney | Rex C. Ellsworth | 1-3/16 | 1:56.20 | $200,000 |
1962 | Greek Money | 3 | John L. Rotz | Virgil W. Raines | Brandywine Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:56.20 | $200,000 |
1961 | Carry Back | 3 | Johnny Sellers | Jack A. Price | Katherine Price | 1-3/16 | 1:57.60 | $200,000 |
1960 | Bally Ache | 3 | Bobby Ussery | Jimmy Pitt | Turfland | 1-3/16 | 1:57.60 | $250,000 |
1959 | Royal Orbit | 3 | William Harmatz | Reggie Cornell | Halina Gregory Braunstein | 1-3/16 | 1:57.00 | $250,000 |
1958 | Tim Tam | 3 | Ismael Valenzuela | Horace A. Jones | Calumet Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:57.20 | $165,000 |
1957 | Bold Ruler | 3 | Eddie Arcaro | Jim Fitzsimmons | Wheatley Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:56.20 | $110,000 |
1956 | Fabius | 3 | Bill Hartack | Horace A. Jones | Calumet Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:58.40 | $150,000 |
1955 | Nashua | 3 | Eddie Arcaro | Jim Fitzsimmons | Belair Stud | 1-3/16 | 1:54.60 | $110,000 |
1954 | Hasty Road | 3 | John H. Adams | Harry Trotsek | Hasty House Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:57.40 | $150,000 |
1953 | Native Dancer | 3 | Eric Guerin | Bill Winfrey | Alfred G. Vanderbilt II | 1-3/16 | 1:57.80 | $110,000 |
1952 | Blue Man | 3 | Conn McCreary | Woody Stephens | White Oak Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:57.40 | $150,000 |
1951 | Bold | 3 | Eddie Arcaro | Preston M. Burch | Brookmeade Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:56.40 | $150,000 |
1950 | Hill Prince | 3 | Eddie Arcaro | Casey Hayes | Christopher Chenery | 1-3/16 | 1:59.20 | $100,000 |
1949 | Capot | 3 | Ted Atkinson | John M. Gaver, Sr. | Greentree Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:56.00 | $150,000 |
1948 | Citation † | 3 | Eddie Arcaro | Horace A. Jones | Calumet Farm | 1-3/16 | 2:02.40 | $160,000 |
1947 | Faultless | 3 | Douglas Dodson | Horace A. Jones | Calumet Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:59.00 | $160,000 |
1946 | Assault † | 3 | Warren Mehrtens | Max Hirsch | King Ranch | 1-3/16 | 2:01.40 | $160,000 |
1945 | Polynesian | 3 | Wayne D. Wright | Morris H. Dixon | Gertrude T. Widener | 1-3/16 | 1:58.80 | $110,000 |
1944 | Pensive | 3 | Conn McCreary | Ben A. Jones | Calumet Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:59.20 | $100,000 |
1943 | Count Fleet † | 3 | Johnny Longden | Don Cameron | Fannie Hertz | 1-3/16 | 1:57.40 | $75,000 |
1942 | Alsab | 3 | Basil James | Sarge Swenke | Mrs. Albert Sabath | 1-3/16 | 1:57.00 | $100,000 |
1941 | Whirlaway † | 3 | Eddie Arcaro | Ben A. Jones | Calumet Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:58.80 | $75,000 |
1940 | Bimelech | 3 | Fred A. Smith | William A. Hurley | Edward R. Bradley | 1-3/16 | 1:58.60 | $75,000 |
1939 | Challedon | 3 | George Seabo | Louis J. Schaefer | William L. Brann | 1-3/16 | 1:59.80 | $75,000 |
1938 | Dauber | 3 | Maurice Peters | Richard E. Handlen | Foxcatcher Farms | 1-3/16 | 1:59.80 | $75,000 |
1937 | War Admiral † | 3 | Charley Kurtsinger | George Conway | Glen Riddle Farm | 1-3/16 | 1:58.40 | $75,000 |
1936 | Bold Venture | 3 | George Woolf | Max Hirsch | Morton L. Schwartz | 1-3/16 | 1:59.00 | $50,000 |
1935 | Omaha † | 3 | Willie Saunders | Jim Fitzsimmons | Belair Stud | 1-3/16 | 1:58.40 | $50,000 |
1934 | High Quest | 3 | Robert Jones | Robert A. Smith | Brookmeade Stable | 1-3/16 | 1:58.20 | $50,000 |
1933 | Head Play | 3 | Charley Kurtsinger | Thomas P. Hayes | Silas B. Mason | 1-3/16 | 2:02.00 | $50,000 |
1932 | Burgoo King | 3 | Eugene James | H. J. Thompson | Edward R. Bradley | 1-3/16 | 1:59.80 | $90,000 |
1931 | Mate | 3 | George Ellis | James W. Healy | Albert C. Bostwick, Jr. | 1-3/16 | 1:59.00 | $90,000 |
1930 | Gallant Fox † | 3 | Earl Sande | Jim Fitzsimmons | Belair Stud | 1-3/16 | 2:00.60 | $90,000 |
1929 | Dr. Freeland | 3 | Louis Schaefer | Thomas J. Healey | Walter J. Salmon, Sr. | 1-3/16 | 2:01.60 | $90,000 |
1928 | Victorian | 3 | Raymond Workman | James G. Rowe, Jr. | Harry P. Whitney | 1-3/16 | 2:00.20 | $90,000 |
1927 | Bostonian | 3 | Whitey Abel | Fred Hopkins | Harry P. Whitney | 1-3/16 | 2:01.60 | $100,000 |
1926 | Display | 3 | John Maiben | Thomas J. Healey | Walter J. Salmon, Sr. | 1-3/16 | 1:59.80 | $90,000 |
1925 | Coventry | 3 | Clarence Kummer | William B. Duke | Gifford A. Cochran | 1-3/16 | 1:59.00 | $90,000 |
1924 | Nellie Morse ‡ | 3 | John Merimee | Albert B. Gordon | Bud Fisher | 1 1⁄8 | 1:57.20 | $90,000 |
1923 | Vigil | 3 | Benny Marinelli | Thomas J. Healey | Walter J. Salmon, Sr. | 1 1⁄8 | 1:53.60 | $90,000 |
1922 | Pillory | 3 | Louis Morris | Thomas J. Healey | Richard T. Wilson, Jr. | 1 1⁄8 | 1:51.60 | $90,000 |
1921 | Broomspun | 3 | Frank Coltiletti | James G. Rowe, Sr. | Harry P. Whitney | 1 1⁄8 | 1:54.20 | $75,000 |
1920 | Man o' War | 3 | Clarence Kummer | Louis Feustel | Glen Riddle Farm | 1 1⁄8 | 1:51.60 | $40,000 |
1919 | Sir Barton † | 3 | Johnny Loftus | H. Guy Bedwell | J. K. L. Ross | 1 1⁄8 | 1:53.00 | $40,000 |
1918 | War Cloud | 3 | Johnny Loftus | Walter B. Jennings | A. Kingsley Macomber | 1 1⁄8 | 1:53.60 | $20,000 |
1918 | Jack Hare, Jr. | 3 | Charles Peak | Frank D. Weir | W. E. Applegate | 1 1⁄8 | 1:53.40 | $20,000 |
1917 | Kalitan | 3 | Everett Haynes | Bill Hurley | Edward R. Bradley | 1 1⁄8 | 1:54.40 | $7,500 |
1916 | Damrosch | 3 | Linus McAtee | Albert G. Weston | J. K. L. Ross | 1 1⁄8 | 1:54.80 | $2,000 |
1915 | Rhine Maiden ‡ | 3 | Douglas Hoffman | Frank Devers | Edward F. Whitney | 1 1⁄8 | 1:58.00 | $2,000 |
1914 | Holiday | 3 | Andy Schuttinger | J. Simon Healy | Mrs. A. Barklie | 1 1⁄8 | 1:53.80 | $2,000 |
1913 | Buskin | 3 | James Butwell | John Whalen | John Whalen | 1 1⁄8 | 1:53.40 | $3,000 |
1912 | Colonel Holloway | 3 | Clarence Turner | Dave Woodford | Beverwyck Stable | 1 1⁄8 | 1:56.60 | $2,500 |
1911 | Watervale | 3 | Eddie Dugan | John Whalen | August Belmont, Jr. | 1 1⁄8 | 1:51.00 | $4,500 |
1910 | Layminster | 3 | Roy Estep | J. Simon Healy | Edward B. Cassatt | 1 mile | 1:40.60 | $5,500 |
1909 | Effendi | 3 | Willie Doyle | Frank C. Frisbie | W. T. Ryan | 1 mile | 1:39.80 | $5,500 |
1908 | Royal Tourist | 3 | Eddie Dugan | A. Jack Joyner | Harry P. Whitney | 1-1/16 | 1:46.40 | $4,000 |
1907 | Don Enrique | 3 | George Mountain | John Whalen | August Belmont, Jr. | 1-1/16 | 1:45.40 | $3,800 |
1906 | Whimsical ‡ | 3 | Walter Miller | Tim J. Gaynor | Tim J. Gaynor | 1-1/16 | 1:45.00 | $3,800 |
1905 | Cairngorm | 3 | Willie Davis | A. Jack Joyner | Sydney Paget | 1-1/16 | 1:45.80 | $3,600 |
1904 | Bryn Mawr | 3 | Gene Hildebrand | W. Fred Presgrave | Goughacres Stable | 1-1/16 | 1:44.20 | $3,800 |
1903 | Flocarline ‡ | 3 | William Gannon | H. C. Riddle | M. H. Tichenor | 1-1/16 | 1:44.80 | $3,000 |
1902 | Old England | 3 | L. Jackson | Green B. Morris | Green B. Morris | 1-1/16 | 1:45.80 | $3,750 |
1901 | The Parader | 3 | F. Landry | Thomas J. Healey | Richard T. Wilson, Jr. | 1-1/16 | 1:47.20 | $2,650 |
1900 | Hindus | 3 | Henry Spencer | John H. Morris | George J. Long | 1-1/16 | 1:48.40 | $3,000 |
1899 | Half Time | 3 | Richard Clawson | Frank McCabe | Philip J. Dwyer | 1-1/16 | 1:47.00 | $2,500 |
1898 | Sly Fox | 3 | Willie Simms | Hardy Campbell, Jr. | Charles F. Dwyer | 1-1/16 | 1:49.75 | $2,400 |
1897 | Paul Kauvar | 3 | T. Thorpe | Thomas P. Hayes | Thomas P. Hayes | 1-1/16 | 1:51.25 | $2,400 |
1896 | Margrave | 3 | Henry Griffin | Byron McClelland | August Belmont, Jr. | 1-1/16 | 1:51.00 | $2,250 |
1895 | Belmar | 3 | Fred Taral | Edward Feakes | Preakness Stables | 1-1/16 | 1:50.50 | $2,250 |
1894 | Assignee | 3 | Fred Taral | William Lakeland | James & Foxhall Keene | 1-1/16 | 1:49.25 | $3,000 |
1893 | No Race | 3 | No Race | No Race | No Race | no race | 0:00.00 | no race |
1892 | No Race | 3 | No Race | No Race | No Race | no race | 0:00.00 | no race |
1891 | No Race | 3 | No Race | No Race | No Race | no race | 0:00.00 | no race |
1890 | Montague | 5[2] | Willie Martin | Edward Feakes | Preakness Stables | 1 1⁄2 | 2:36.75 | $2,000 |
1889 | Buddhist | 3 | George Anderson | John W. Rogers | Samuel S. Brown | 1 1⁄4 | 2:17.50 | $2,000 |
1888 | Refund | 3 | Fred Littlefield | R. W. Walden | R. W. Walden | 1 1⁄2 | 2:49.00 | $2,000 |
1887 | Dunboyne | 3 | William Donohue | William Jennings | William Jennings | 1 1⁄2 | 2:39.50 | $2,500 |
1886 | The Bard | 3 | S. Fisher | John Huggins | A. J. Cassatt | 1 1⁄2 | 2:45.00 | $3,000 |
1885 | Tecumseh | 3 | Jim McLaughlin | Charles Littlefield | W. Donohue | 1 1⁄2 | 2:49.00 | $3,000 |
1884 | Knight of Ellerslie | 3 | S. Fisher | Thomas Doswell | R. Hancock & T. Doswell | 1 1⁄2 | 2:39.50 | $3,000 |
1883 | Jacobus | 3 | George Barbee | R. Dwyer | James E. Kelley | 1 1⁄2 | 2:42.50 | $2,500 |
1882 | Vanguard | 3 | Tom Costello | R. W. Walden | George L. Lorillard | 1 1⁄2 | 2:44.50 | $2,000 |
1881 | Saunterer | 3 | Tom Costello | R. W. Walden | George L. Lorillard | 1 1⁄2 | 2:40.50 | $3,000 |
1880 | Grenada | 3 | Lloyd Hughes | R. W. Walden | George L. Lorillard | 1 1⁄2 | 2:40.50 | $3,000 |
1879 | Harold | 3 | Lloyd Hughes | R. W. Walden | George L. Lorillard | 1 1⁄2 | 2:40.50 | $4,000 |
1878 | Duke of Magenta | 3 | C. Holloway | R. W. Walden | George L. Lorillard | 1 1⁄2 | 2:41.75 | $3,500 |
1877 | Cloverbrook | 3 | C. Holloway | Jeter Walden | E. A. Clabaugh | 1 1⁄2 | 2:45.50 | $2,500 |
1876 | Shirley | 3 | George Barbee | W. Brown | Pierre Lorillard IV | 1 1⁄2 | 2:44.75 | $3,000 |
1875 | Tom Ochiltree | 3 | Lloyd Hughes | R. W. Walden | John F. Chamberlain | 1 1⁄2 | 2:43.50 | $3,000 |
1874 | Culpepper | 3 | William Donohue | Hugh Gaffney | Hugh Gaffney | 1 1⁄2 | 2:56.50 | $3,000 |
1873 | Survivor | 3 | George Barbee | A. Davis Pryor | John F. Chamberlain | 1 1⁄2 | 2:43.00 | $3,000 |