Editing List of Roman generals

List of Roman generals
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Roman generals daa nyɛla bidibkpɛma, ka taarihi teeri bɛ yɛla ni daliri shɛŋa dabam ka che bɛ tuma zaŋ n-ti Roma linjima tuma yaɣali. Ŋɔ nyɛla taarihi ni laɣim teei bidibkpeen shɛba ban daa ku bɛ maŋ n-ti Roma linjima yaɣali, tiŋgbani mini kotiŋ zaa.

Bust of Scipio Africanus
Portrait of Drusus
Relief depicting Flavius Aetius
Bust depicting Germanicus
The Tusculum portrait, possibly the only surviving depiction of Julius Caesar from his lifetime
Bust of Marcus Licinius Crassus
Coin possibly depicting Odaenathus wearing a diadem
Depiction of Lusius Quietus leading the Berber cavalry in the Dacian wars
Seal depicting Ricimer
  1. command of the war against Mithridates VI of Pontus
  2. defeated the Seleucid ruler Antiochus the Great at the Battle of Thermopylae
  3. Battle of Lake Regillus, Roman victory over the Latin League
  4. Roman Senate voted him a naval triumph
  5. entrusted with the defence of Illyricum against the Pompeians
  6. ordered to clear the Mediterranean Sea of piracy, but instead, plundered the provinces he was supposed to protect
  7. first to lead an army outside of the Italian mainland
  8. defeated and captured at the Battle of Tunis
  9. fought and defeated Gaius Scribonius Curio
  10. one of the so-called Thirty Tyrants
  11. twice defeated Andriscus, self-proclaimed pretender to Macedonian throne
  12. defeated the Lusitanians at Ilipa, and subjugated the Boii
  13. hero of the Samnite Wars
  14. instigated his "Fabian strategy" against Hannibal
  15. successful campaign to restore Ptolemy XII of Egypt
  16. led the Roman conquest of Britain
  17. defeated the Sclaveni Slavs near Thessalonica
  18. defeated the rebellion of Boudica
  19. led Roman Army in the Second Macedonian War
  20. defeated the Bessi in Thrace
  21. defeated successively the Gauls, the Volscians, the Samnites, the Etruscans and the Marsians
  22. next Roman general to cross the Rhine after Julius Caesar

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