Alexander Hollaender Award in Biophysics

Der Alexander Hollaender Award in Biophysics ist ein von der National Academy of Sciences der Vereinigten Staaten vergebener Wissenschaftspreis, mit dem besondere Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Biophysik prämiert werden. Er wurde von Henrietta W. Hollaender gestiftet in Erinnerung an ihren Mann Alexander W. Hollaender (1898–1986), ein Strahlenbiologe.

  • 1998 Wayne A. Hendrickson: For his contributions to macromolecular crystallography, in the development of robust methods of phasing and refinement, and in determination of complex and biologically important structures.
  • 2001 David J. DeRosier: For his development of three-dimensional image reconstruction methods, which have revolutionized electron microscopy of subcellular structures and his analytical visualization of cellular motility mechanisms.
  • 2004 Carlos J. Bustamante: For his ingenious use of atomic force microscopy and laser tweezers to study the biophysical properties of proteins, DNA, and RNA, one molecule at a time.
  • 2007 Barry H. Honig: For pioneering theoretical and computational studies of electrostatic interactions in biological macromolecules and of the energetics of protein folding.
  • 2010 Watt W. Webb: For pioneering the applications of rigorous physical principles to the development of optical tools that have broadly impacted our ability to examine biological systems.
  • 2013 King-Wai Yau: For innovative, rigorous, and fundamental contributions to the biophysics of sensory transduction in rod, cone, and non-image visual systems and in olfaction.
  • 2016 Richard Henderson: For his pioneering work in the determination of atomic structure of a macromolecule by electron microscopy (EM). Henderson determined the first atomic structure of a 2-D protein crystalline array (bacteriorhodopsin) by EM. His identifications of the key bottlenecks for obtaining high-resolution EM structures has guided subsequent efforts to revolutionize single particle cryoEM for structural biology research at the atomic level.
  • 2019 Jane S. Richardson: For her innovative contributions to assess quality and accuracy of macromolecular structures through the development of methods for the analysis, representation, and validation of atomic models. Her ribbon representations of protein structures have made them easily comprehensible by the entire scientific community.
  • 2022 Wolfgang Baumeister: For pioneering the development of cryogenic electron tomography that has enabled him to apply transmission electron microscopy to several areas of great biological interest, obtaining images of complex macromolecular and supramolecular assemblies at unprecedented resolution.