Nicholas Barbon (auch: Barebon oder Barebone; * um 1640 in London als If-Jesus-Christ-Had-Not-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barebone;[1] † um 1698 in Osterley House, Middlesex) war ein englischer Ökonom.
A letter to a gentleman in the country. Milbourn, London 1684.
An Ansvver to a letter to a gentleman in the countrey. Giving an account of the two insurance-offices, the Fire-Office & Friendly-Society. William Horton, London 1684.
Apology for the Builder; or a Discourse showing the Cause and Effects of the Increase of Building. 1685.
A discourse concerning coining the new money lighter: in answer to Mr. Lock’s Considerations about raising the value of money. Richard Chiswell, London 1696.