Steven Stapleton, der zuvor als Roadie bei verschiedenen Krautrock-Bands, unter anderem Guru Guru und Kraan, gearbeitet hatte, erhielt durch Nicky Rogers das Angebot, günstig ein Aufnahmestudio zu benutzen. Zusammen mit John Fothergill und Heeman Pathak gründete Stapleton Nurse with Wound und machte erste Aufnahmen, die sehr spontan entstanden. So produzierten Nurse with Wound das erste Album Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella, das in einer Auflage von 500 Stück erschien.[1]
Der dunkle Stil früherer Werke, der sich stark an Krautrock, Surrealismus, Dadaismus und Musique concrète orientierte, wandelte sich im Lauf der Zeit zu einem eher minimalistischen Stil. Die Musik ist auch von Noise, Ambient, Free Jazz und Bruitismus beeinflusst, gepaart mit Stapletons Humor – so ist auf dem Album Salt Marie Celeste, einer einstündigen Aufnahme eines sinkenden Schiffs, in den letzten Minuten überraschend eine Fahrradklingel zu hören.
1979 Nurse With Wound: Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella
1980 Nurse With Wound: To the Quiet Men from a Tiny Girl
1980 Nurse With Wound: Merzbild Schwet
1981 Nurse With Wound: Insect and Individual Silenced
1981 Nurse With Wound / Whitehouse: The 150 Murderous Passions
1981 Nurse With Wound: Homotopy to Marie
1981 Nurse With Wound: Scrag (Kassette)
1983 Current 93 / Nurse With Wound: Mi-Mort
1983 Nurse With Wound: Ostranenie 1913
1983 Nurse With Wound: Gyllensköld Geijerstam and I at Rydbergs
1984 Current 93 / Nurse With Wound: No Hiding from the Blackbird / The Burial of the Sardine
1984 Current 93 / Nurse With Wound: Nylon Coverin' Body Smotherin'
1984 Nurse With Wound: Brained by Falling Masonry (12")
1985 Nurse With Wound: Live at Bar Maldoror: Gyllensköld, Geijerstam & Friends
1985 Nurse With Wound: The Sylvie and Babs Hi-Fi Companion (1995 Re-Release als The Sylvie and Babs High-Thigh Companion)
1985 Nurse With Wound: NL Centrum-Amsterdam (Kassette)
1986 Current 93 / Nurse With Wound: Maldoror Est Mort
1986 Nurse With Wound: Automating Volume One
1986 Nurse With Wound / Organum: A Missing Sense / Rasa
1986 Nurse With Wound: Spiral Insana
1986 Nurse With Wound: Ladies Home Tickler (Three Piece Sweet) (Compilation Kassette)
1987 Nurse With Wound: Drunk with the Old Man of the Mountains
1987 Nurse With Wound / The Termite Queen: Crank / Wisecrack
1987 Nurse With Wound / The Hafler Trio: Nurse with Wound and the Hafler Trio Hit Again! (1995 Re-Release als The Murray Fontana Orchestra Plays the Hafler Trio)
1988 Nurse With Wound / Current 93: (Untitled) (Split 7", Beilage zum Magazin Augenblick #5)
1988 Current 93 / Nurse With Wound: Faith's Favourites (12")
1988 Nurse With Wound: Alas the Madonna Does Not Function (12")
1988 Nurse With Wound: Soliloquy for Lilith
1989 Nurse With Wound: Soliloquy for Lilith (Parts 5 and 6)
1989 Current 93 / Sol Invictus / Nurse With Wound: (Untitled) (12")
1989 Nurse With Wound: Automating Volume Two
1989 Nurse With Wound: Gyllenskold/Brained
1989 Nurse With Wound: Nurse With Wound Present the Sisters of Pataphysics (Compilation)
1989 Nurse With Wound: Cooloorta Moon
1990 Current 93 / Sol Invictus / Nurse With Wound: (Untitled) (3 LP Box-Set mit den Alben Horse von C93, Lex Talionis von S.I. und Lumbs Sister von NWW)
1990 Nurse With Wound: The Ladies Home Tickler (nicht identisch mit 1986er Compilation)
1990 Nurse With Wound: Psilotripitaka
1990 Nurse With Wound: Soresucker
1990 Nurse With Wound: A Sucked Orange
1990 M.T.T. Mauro Teho Teardo featuring Nurse With Wound & Ramleh: Caught from Behind
1990 Nurse With Wound: Sinister Senile
1991 Steven Stapleton / David Tibet: The Sadness of Things
1991 Nurse With Wound / Spasm: Creakiness / Firepool
1991 Nurse With Wound: Live at Bar Maldoror (Live Compilation)
1991 Richard Sinclair's Caravan of Dreams / Nurse With Wound / The Underworlde: (Untitled) (Split 7", Beilage zum Magazin Ptolemaic Terrascope #8)
1991 Nurse With Wound: Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table of a Sewing Machine and an Umbrella
1992 Nurse With Wound: Sugar Fish Drink (A Layman's Guide To Cod Surrealism*) (Compilation)
1992 Nurse With Wound: Thunder Perfect Mind
1992 Nurse With Wound: Alien (7")
1992 Nurse With Wound: Steel Dream March of the Metal Men (7")
1992 Steven Stapleton / Tony Wakeford: Revenge of the Selfish Shellfish
1993 Chrystal Belle Scrodd: Beastings
1993 Nurse With Wound: Large Ladies with Cake in the Oven (Compilation)
1993 Stereolab / Nurse With Wound: Crumb Duck (Compilation)
1994 Nurse With Wound: Rock 'n Roll Station
1995 Nurse With Wound: Yagga Blues
1995 Nurse With Wound: Alice the Goon
1996 Steven Stapleton / David Tibet: Musical Pumpkin Cottage (CD)
1996 Steven Stapleton / David Tibet: Musicalische Kürbs Hütte (12", Remix von Musical Pumpkin Cottage)
1996 Nurse With Wound: Who Can I Turn to Stereo
1997 Nurse With Wound / Aranos: Acts of Senseless Beauty
1997 Nurse With Wound: A Missing Sense (Compilation)
1997 Stereolab / Nurse With Wound: Simple Headphone Mind
1998 Steven Stapleton / David Tibet: Octopus
1998 Nurse With Wound: Second Pirate Session: Rock'n Roll Station Special Edition
1999 Nurse With Wound: The Swinging Reflective: Favourite Moments of Mutual Ecstasy (Compilation)
1999 Nurse With Wound: An Awkward Pause
2000 Nurse With Wound / Aranos: Santoor Lena Bicycle
2001 Current 93 / Nurse With Wound: Bright Yellow Moon
2001 Current 93 / Nurse With Wound: Purtle (Beilage zu Teilauflage von Bright Yellow Moon)
2001 Nurse With Wound: Funeral Music for Perez Prado (Compilation)
2001 Nurse With Wound: Old Man Vox Albation (MP3 Downloads)
2002 Current 93 / Nurse With Wound: Music from the Horse Hospital
2002 Nurse With Wound: Man with the Woman Face
2003 Earth Monkey vs. Nurse With Wound: Hanu @ Basecloud
2003 Nurse With Wound: She And Me Fall Together In Free Death
2003 Nurse With Wound: The Hostess Twinkie Mixes No. 1 - 25 (CD-Rs, Beilage zu Teilauflage von She and Me Fall Together in Free Death)
2003 Nurse With Wound / Unveiled: Chance Meeting of Nurse with Wound and Unveiled on Charlottenborg
2003 Nurse With Wound: Salt Marie Celeste
2003 Nurse With Wound: Chance Meeting of a Defective Tape Machine and Migraine
2003 Nurse With Wound: The Musty Odour of Pierced Rectums
2003 Nurse With Wound / Current 93 / Coil: (Untitled) (Split-CD, Beilage zum Buch England's Hidden Reverse von David Keenan)
2004 Nurse With Wound: Angry Eelectric Finger (Spitch'cock One)
2004 Nurse With Wound / Jim O'Rourke: Angry Eelectric Finger Part One: Tape Monkey Mooch
2004 Nurse With Wound / Cyclobe: Angry Eelectric Finger Part Two: Paraparaparallellogrammatica
2004 Nurse With Wound / Irr. App. (Ext.): Angry Eelectric Finger Part Three: Mute Bell Extinction Process
2004 Nurse With Wound: Angry Eelectric Finger Raw Material - Zero Mix
2004 Nurse With Wound: Having Fun with the Prince of Darkness
2004 Nurse With Wound: Shipwreck Radio Volume One: Seven Sonic Structures from Utvær
2004 Nurse With Wound: Lofoten Deadhead (CD-R, Beilage zu Teilauflage von Shipwreck Radio Volume One)
2005 John Contreras / Rose McDowall / Nurse With Wound: (Untitled) (Split-CD)
2005 Nurse With Wound: Echo Poeme Sequence No. 2
2005 Nurse With Wound: Drunk with the Old Man of the Mountains
2005 Nurse With Wound: The Little Dipper Minus Two (Echo Poeme Sequence No. 1)
2005 Nurse With Wound: Livin' Fear of James Last (Compilation)
2005 Nurse With Wound: Shipwreck Radio Volume Two: Eight Enigmatic Episodes from Utvær
2005 Nurse With Wound: Gulls Just Wanna Have Fun (Beilage zu Teilauflage von Shipwreck Radio Volume Two)
2005 Nurse With Wound: Sand Tangled Women (Echo Poeme Sequence 3) (7")
2006 Nurse With Wound / The Broken Penis Orchestra: Natal Moonies (eine Erstauflage dieser CD wurde mit einer „Absinth Box“ vertrieben)
2006 Nurse With Wound: Rat Tapes One
2006 Nurse With Wound: Shipwreck Radio: Final Broadcasts
2006 Nurse With Wound: Possible Nursemix for Sun and Moon Ensemble (CD-R)
2006 Nurse With Wound: Soundpooling
2006 Nurse With Wound: A Handjob from the Laughing Policeman (Beilage zu Teilauflage von Soundpooling)
2006 Nurse With Wound: Stereo Wastelands
2007 Nurse With Wound: Tooth, Teeth, Milk, Skin, Teeth
2007 Diana Rogerson: The Lights Are On But No-one's Home
2007 Nurse With Wound/Faust: disconnected
2008 Nurse With Wound: Two Shaves And A Shine Remix Project
2008 SUNN O))): ØØ Void
2008 Nurse With Wound: Man With The Woman Face Bonus Material
2008 Nurse With Wound: Zero Mix
2008 Nurse With Wound: Requital For Lady Day
2008 Nurse With Wound: Huffin' Rag Blues
2008 Nurse With Wound: The Bacteria Magnet
2008 Nurse With Wound: Continuous Accident
2009 Nurse With Wound: More Automating (download)
2009 Nurse With Wound: Lumb's Sister (download)
2009 Nurse With Wound: May The Fleas Of A Thousand Camels Infest Your Armpits Live At The Great American Music Hall June 16th & 17th 2006
2009 Nurse With Wound: Ød Lot
2009 Nurse With Wound: The Memory Surface
2009 Nurse With Wound: Flawed Existence (Compilation)
2009 Nurse With Wound: Paranoia in Hi-Fi (Compilation)
2010 Nurse With Wound: Space Music
2010 Nurse With Wound: Automating Volume Three (Compilation)
2010 Nurse With Wound / Larsen: Erroneous, a selection of errors
2010 Nurse With Wound: Rushkoff Coercion (7")
Anm.: Wegen der hohen Zahl von NWW-Veröffentlichungen wurde auf die Auflistung von Neuauflagen sowie von Bootlegs und Samplerbeiträgen verzichtet.