
Wayir Lordi
Tewr Hard rock
Vıraştoğ Nino Laurenne
Domnayış 3,054 second
Pırkerdoğ Sony Music
Zıwan İngılızki
Vetış 31 Tışrino Verên 2008

Deadache (bıwane: dɛdeɪk, be Zazaki: "decê merdi") albumê Lordiyo ke serra 2008ıne de veciyao.

Lawıkê ke album derê

[bıvurne | çımeyi bıvurne]
  1. "SCG IV" – 0:42
  2. "Girls Go Chopping" – 4:02
  3. "Bite It Like a Bulldog" – 3:29
  4. "Monsters Keep Me Company" – 5:28
  5. "Man Skin Boots" – 3:42
  6. "Dr. Sin Is In" – 3:47
  7. "The Ghosts of the Heceta Head" – 3:38
  8. "Evilyn" – 4:00
  9. "The Rebirth of the Countess" – 1:59
  10. "Raise Hell in Heaven" – 3:32
  11. "Deadache" – 3:28
  12. "The Devil Hides Behind Her Smile" – 4:12
  13. "Missing Miss Charlene" – 05:10