Id gana falsafah, noumenon (//ˈnuːmənɒn/, om nogi UK /ˈnaʊ-/; mantad boros Yunani: νoούμενον; jamak noumena) nopo nga monuku do ahal-ahal di au oroso do deria tulun toi ko persepsi[1]. Pomogunoon hogot noumenon insaru gunoon sabaagi pisulakan do konsep di pokomoyon do fenomena. Immanuel Kant nakaanu popointutun om popoburu do noumenon sabaagi boogian do idealisme transendental dau. Idealisme transendental dau di nopo nga poposuul do sundung pia oilaan dati do haro pomogunan noumenon nga au yati koilo nung nunu id suang pomogunan di om nunu ahal-ahal di kohompit do pomogunan di[2]. Id suang falsafah Kantian, konsep noumenon nopo nga insaru pioniton do ahal-ahal di au oilaan tokou do au tokou oilaan (id suang boros jerman Jerman Kant, Ding an sich ); 'ahal id dau'.
1. intellectual conception of a thing as it is in itself, not as it is known through perception; 2. The of-itself-unknown and unknowable rational object, or thing-in-itself, which is distinguished from the phenomenon through which it is apprehended by the physical senses, and by which it is interpreted and understood; – so used in the philosophy of Kant and his followers.