Laŭ la plejmulto de la erudiciuloj, la Budavanso, kune kun la Apadano kaj la Ĉarijapitako, estis verkita dum la 1-a kaj 2-a jarcentoj p.K., do ĝi estas posta aldono al la Palia Kanono.[4][Noto 2]
(1882) “XXVII: List of the Buddhas”, The Buddhavamsa. Londono: Pali Text Society, p. 66–7.
(1938) “The lineage of the Buddhas”, The Minor Anthologies of the Pali Canon: Buddhavaṃsa, the lineage of the Buddhas, and Cariyā-Piṭaka or the collection of ways of conduct, 1‑a eldono, Londono: Milford.
(1969) “The lineage of the Buddhas”, The Genealogy of the Buddhas, 1‑a eldono, Bombay: Bombay University Publications.
(1975) The minor anthologies of the Pali canon. Volume III: Buddhavaṁsa (Chronicle of Buddhas) and Cariyāpiṭaka (Basket of Conduct). Londono: Pali Text Society. ISBN 0-86013-072-X.
↑Horner (1975), The minor anthologies of the Pali canon, p. x. "It would seem that, however much Bv may be a latecomer to the Pali Canon, or however slight its metrical interest, its merits which may be said to include the clear-cut way in which it organizes its somewhat unusual contents...."
Lancaster, LR. (2005) “Buddhist books and texts: canon and canonization”, Encyclopedia of religion, 2‑a eldono, New York: Macmillan Reference USA. ISBN 978 00-286-5733-2.