Russell KIRK (19a oktobro, 1918 – 29a Aprilo, 1994) estis usona politika teoriisto, moralisto, historiisto, socia kritikisto, literatura kritikisto, kaj ankaŭ porfikcia aŭtoro konata pro sia influo sur la usona konservismo de la 20a jarcento. Lia verko de 1953 nome The Conservative Mind havigis formon al la senforma konservativa movado de la epoko post la Dua Mondmilito. Ĝi markis la disvolvigon de la konservisma pensaro en la brit-usona tradicio, emfaze speciale al la ideoj de Edmund Burke. Kirk estis konsiderata ankaŭ ĉefa proponanto de tradiciisma konservismo.
Modern Age artikoloj disponeblaj rete per Ebsco.
- Attarian, John, 1998, "Russell Kirk's Political Economy," Modern Age 40: 87–97. ISSN 0026-7457.
- Brown, Charles C. ed. Russell Kirk: A Bibliography (2nd ed. 2011: Wilmington, ISI Books, 2011) 220 pages; replaces Brown's 1981 bibliography
- (Fall 1994) “An Economist's Tribute to Russell Kirk”, The Intercollegiate Review.
Arkivigite je 2010-02-22 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine
- East, John P., 1984, "Russell Kirk as a Political Theorist: Perceiving the Need for Order in the Soul and in Society," Modern Age 28: 33–44. ISSN 0026-7457.
- Feser, Edward C., Ronald Hamowy, The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism |title=Conservative Critique of Libertarianismĝs3TkJYC[rompita ligilo] SAGE Publications, Cato Institute, Thousand Oaks, CA isbn= 978-1-4129-6580-4 oclc=750831024 lccn = 2008009151 paĝoj 95–7
- Herron, Don. "Russell Kirk: Ghost Master of Mecosta" en Darrell Schweitzer (eld) Discovering Modern Horror Fiction, Merce Is, WA: Starmont House, Julio 1985, pp. 21–47.
- Kirk, Russell, 1995. The Sword of Imagination: Memoirs of a Half-Century of Literary Conflict. Kirk's memoirs.
- McDonald, W. Wesley, 1982. The Conservative Mind of Russell Kirk: `The Permanent Things' in an Age of Ideology. Ph.D. dissertation, The Catholic University of America. Citation: DAI 1982 43(1): 255-A. DA8213740. Rete ĉe ProQuest, Dissertations & Theses.
- --------, 1983, "Reason, Natural Law, and Moral Imagination in the Thought of Russell Kirk," Modern Age 27: 15–24. ISSN 0026-7457.
- --------, 2004. "Russell Kirk and The Age of Ideology." University of Missouri Press.
- --------, 1999. "Russell Kirk and the Prospects for Conservatism," Humanitas XII: 56–76.
- --------, 2006. "Kirk, Russell (1918–94)," in "American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia". ISI Books: 471–474. Biographical entry.
- Nash, George H., 1998. The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America.
- Person, Jr., James E., 1999. "Russell Kirk: A Critical Biography of a Conservative Mind". Madison Books.
- Russello, Gerald J., 1996, "The Jurisprudence of Russell Kirk," Modern Age 38: 354–63. ISSN 0026-7457. Reviews Kirk's writings on law, 1976–93.
- --------, 2007. "The Postmodern Imagination of Russell Kirk". University of Missouri Press.
- --------, 1999, "Time and Timeless: the Historical Imagination of Russell Kirk," Modern Age 41: 209–19. ISSN 0026-7457.
- --------, 2004, "Russell Kirk and Territorial Democracy," Publius 34: 109–24. ISSN 0048-5950.
- Whitney, Gleaves, 2001, "The Swords of Imagination: Russell Kirk's Battle with Modernity," Modern Age 43: 311–20. ISSN 0026-7457. Argues that Kirk used five "swords of imagination": historical, political, moral, poetic, and prophetic.