Universitato de Portsmouth

Universitato de Portsmouth
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fondodato 1869
Geografia situo 50° 47′ 43″ N, 1° 5′ 37″ U (mapo)50.7953-1.0936Koordinatoj: 50° 47′ 43″ N, 1° 5′ 37″ U (mapo)
lando Britio
adreso University of Portsmouth, University House, Winston Churchill Avenue, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 2UP
poŝtkodo PO1 2UP
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Universitato de Portsmouth (Britio)
Universitato de Portsmouth (Britio)
Universitato de Portsmouth

La Universitato de Portsmouth (angle University of Portsmouth) estas publika universitato situanta en Portsmouth, Anglio [1][2]. Kun ĉirkaŭ 28 280 studentoj aliĝintaj en studentaj kaj postbakalaŭraj programoj [3], la universitato estas la 25a plej granda altedukada institucio laŭ nombro de studentoj en Britio [4]. La universitato dungas personaron de proksimume 3 500 [5].

Konsistiganta kvin fakultatojn, la universitato ofertas larĝan gamon da akademiaj disciplinoj [6], la universitato havas vastan gamon de temoj kiuj povas esti studitaj, kiel ekzemple medicino, internaciaj rilatoj, matematiko kaj kriminologio.

Ĝia historio komencis kiel la Portsmouth and Gosport School of Science and the Arts en 1869, kaj ĝi akiris statuson de universitato en 1992.

Portsmouth estis taksita kiel la 5-a plej bona moderna universitato en la Unuiĝinta Reĝlando fare de The Times Good University Guide [7].

Faculty of Business and Law

Portsmouth Business School
  • Accounting and Financial Management
  • Economics and Finance
  • Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Operations and Systems Management
  • Strategy, Enterprise and Innovation
  • Portsmouth Law School

Faculty of Technology

  • School of Civil Engineering and Surveying
  • School of Computing
  • Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation
  • School of Energy and Electronic Engineering
  • School of Mechanical and Design Engineering
  • School of Mathematics and Physics
  • Department for Learning at Work

Faculty of Science and Health

  • School of Biological Sciences
  • School of the Environment, Geography and Geosciences (mit Paläontologie)
  • Dental Academy
  • School of Health and Care Professions
  • School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
  • Department of Psychology
  • School of Sport, Health and Exercise Science

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Institute of Criminal Justice Studies
  • School of Education and Childhood Studies
  • School of Languages and Applied Linguistics
  • School of Area Studies, History, Politics and Literature

Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries

  • Portsmouth School of Architecture
  • School of Art, Design and Performance
  • School of Film, Media and Communication
  • School of Creative Technologies


[redakti | redakti fonton]
  1. Compand Information,
  2. University of Portsmouth – GOV.UK (angle). Alirita 2022-09-15 .
  3. Table 0a - All students by institution, mode of study, level of study, gender and domicile 2006/07 (XLS). Higher Education Statistics Agency. Alirita 2008-04-12 .
  4. Where do HE students study? | HESA. Alirita 2022-09-15 .
  5. University of Portsmouth – Our People. Alirita 9 January 2021 .
  6. Academic Structure (angle). Alirita 2022-09-19 .
  7. University of Portsmouth - Times Online. Arkivita el la originalo je 2008-07-24. Alirita 2023-08-28 .

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