Extracto de un memorando del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores británico de enero de 1919 que resume los acuerdos de guerra relacionados con el Imperio Otomano: el área del Acuerdo Sazonov-Paléologue cedida a Rusia está en amarillo. Los tratados resumidos en 1923 por Ray Stannard Baker, quien fue secretario de prensa de Woodrow Wilson durante la Conferencia de Paz de París . Armenia occidental bajo ocupación rusa en el verano de 1916
A Rusia se le asignaron las provincias (vilayets) de Erzurum, Trebisonda, Bitlis y Van;[4] gran parte del territorio el cual estaba bajo ocupación rusa en ese momento.[3]
↑The Armenian Review. Hairenik Association. 1956. «The Sazonov-Paleologue agreement of April 26, 1916 between Great Britain and France and the Sykes–Picot agreement of May 16, 1916 between Great Britain and France which together made up the Anglo-Franco-Russian accord of 1916...»
↑ abEdward Mead Earle (1923). Turkey, the Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway: A Study in Imperialism. Macmillan. p. 292. «Accordingly, on April 26, 1916 the first anniversary of the Treaty of London with Italy France and Russia signed the secret Sazonov-Paleologue Treaty concerning their respective territorial rights in Asiatic Turkey. Russia was awarded full sovereignty over the vilayets of Trebizond, Erzerum, Bitlis, and Van a vast area of 60,000 square miles (about one and one-fifth times the size of the State of New York), containing valuable mineral and petroleum resources. This handsome prize put Russia well on the road to Constantinople and in a fair way to turn the Black Sea into a Russian lake. And at the moment the treaty was signed the armies of the Grand Duke Nicholas were actually overrunning the territory which Russia had staked out for herself».
↑Edward Mead Earle (1923). Turkey, the Great Powers, and the Bagdad Railway: A Study in Imperialism. Macmillan. p. 292. «Accordingly, on April 26, 1916 the first anniversary of the Treaty of London with Italy France and Russia signed the secret Sazonov-Paleologue Treaty concerning their respective territorial rights in Asiatic Turkey. Russia was awarded full sovereignty over the vilayets of Trebizond, Erzerum, Bitlis, and Van a vast area of 60,000 square miles (about one and one-fifth times the size of the State of New York), containing valuable mineral and petroleum resources. This handsome prize put Russia well on the road to Constantinople and in a fair way to turn the Black Sea into a Russian lake. And at the moment the treaty was signed the armies of the Grand Duke Nicholas were actually overrunning the territory which Russia had staked out for herself».