Cantata++ C/C++ Unit and Integration Test and Code Coverage tool. The IDE provides advanced test script editing support and user friendly results reporting. Can be integrated with any Eclipse/CDT based C/C++ development environment.
DBeaver, administrador de bases de datos universal y cliente de SQL
dynaTrace Diagnostics 2.0[3], analyses existing software systems for efficiency losses without changing the source
EasyEclipse, bundled distributions of the Eclipse IDE
g-Eclipse, an integrated workbench framework to access the power of existing Grid infrastructures [4]
GForge Advanced Server - Collaboration tool with multiframe view through Eclipse integration for multiple functions
IBM Lotus Expeditor a client-server platform that provides a framework to develop lightweight rich client applications for desktops and various mobile devices.
IBM Lotus Notes 8 a client-server collaborative application platform, used for enterprise email and calendaring, as well as for collaborative business applications.
IBM Rational Asset Manager, a collaborative software development asset management solution for creating, modifying, governing, finding and reusing any type of development assets, including SOA and systems development assets.
IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer, allows you to perform tasks, typically associated with setting up and fine tuning the working environment for WebSphere MQ, either locally or remotely within a Windows or Linux (x86 platform) system domain.
IBM WebSphere Message Brokers Toolkit, allows application developers to develop message sets and message flows for IBM WebSphere Message Broker. The Message Brokers Toolkit also communicates with one or more Configuration Managers, and you can use it to manage broker domains.
IBM WebSphere Studio Homepage Builder, an entry level web authoring tool for creating and publishing web sites. Provides an easy-to-use interface, templates and wizards. (Now replaced by IBM Rational Web Developer for WebSphere Software)
IBM Lotus Component Designer, an innovative, easy-to-use, standards-based development tool that script developers, Microsoft Visual Basic developers, IBM Lotus Domino application designers, and others can use to create components for IBM WebSphere Portal
IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer, a build to integrate solution for accelerated development and integration of complex applications. (Now replaced by IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software)
LinuxWorks Luminosity, is a full-featured Java-based IDE for all LynuxWorks cross-development platforms. Luminosity supports LynxOS 4.x, BlueCat Linux 5.x and LynxOS-178.
Mentor Graphics EDGE IDE, the Embedded Developers Graphical Environment (EDGE) is an integrated development cockpit that brings together project manager, source editors, compiler tools, debugger and profiler - plus a whole lot more - in one easy-to-use environment.
Mentor Graphics Platform Express[6], Platform Express was the first platform-based design solution to support the SPIRIT IP-XACT specification. Platform-based design is an IP Reuse strategy that facilitates the creation and verification of designs containing sophisticated IP from many different sources.
Nuxeo RCP, an open source rich client platform for ECM applications.
Open SourceOSGi-Frameworkby ProSyst based on the Eclipse Equinox Framework
Palm OS Development Suite
Parasoft C++test is a C/C++ testing tool that automates static code analysis (including programming style checking and data flow analysis), unit testing, component testing, and regression testing.
ParasoftJtest is a Java testing tool that performs static code analysis (including programming style checking and data flow analysis), unit testing, in-container testing, and regression testing. It also automates preparation, notification, and tracking of peer code reviews.
PicCBuilder[8] Eclipse CDT plugin for building Microchip PIC software using the C30 toolchain.
RODIN Platform, Open tool platform for the rigorous development of dependable complex software systems based on the event-B formal method with support for refinement and mathematical proof
Red Hat Developer Studio is a set of eclipse-based development tools that are pre-configured for JBoss Enterprise Middleware
Sybase PowerDesigner, a data-modeling and collaborative design tool for enterprises that need to build or re-engineer applications
Sybase Unwired Orchestrator, unwires information to mobilize existing applications and create new applications and processes to meet the needs of the mobile worker
Sybase WorkSpace, a unified application development environment by Sybase, combines modeling, data management, services assembly and orchestration, Java development, and mobilization in a single tool. It bridges the gap between the vision of a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and the reality of traditional development tools
Telelogic Rhapsody is a Model-Driven Development (MDD) environment for systems, software, and test.
Tersus Plataforma de programación visual es una plataforma de desarrollo de software que permite el desarrollo de aplicaciones, principalmente aplicaciones web, dibujando diagramas en vez de código escrito.
Trident IDE, a commercial IDE based on Eclipse for creating, testing, and packaging SCORM content packages