↑ abKurt Aland, and Barbara Aland, "The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism", trans. Erroll F. Rhodes, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1995, p. 113.
Kurt Treu, "Die Griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments in der USSR; eine systematische Auswertung des Texthandschriften in Leningrad, Moskau, Kiev, Odessa, Tbilisi und Erevan", T & U 91 (Berlín: 1966), pp. 101–104.
Herman C. Hoskier, "Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse" (2 vols., London, 1927), p. 1.7.