Uromastyx acanthinura es una especie de lagarto del género Uromastyx, familia Agamidae.[1] Fue descrita científicamente por Bell en 1825.[1]
Habita en Argelia, Túnez, Egipto, noroeste de Libia, Mauritania, Sáhara Occidental, Chad (Montañas Tibesti y Ennedi), Malí, Níger y Sudán del Norte.[1]
- Fischer Von, J. 1885. Der veränderliche Schleuderschwanz (Uromastyx acanthinurus) in der Gefangenschaft. Der Zoologische Garten 26: 269-278.
- Flower,Stanley 1933. Notes on the recent reptiles and amphibians of Egypt, with a list of the species recorded from that kingdom. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1933: 735-851.
- Geniez, P.; Mateo, J.A.; Geniez, M. & Pether, J. 2004. The amphibians and reptiles of the Western Sahara (former Spanish Sahara) and adjacent regions. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt, 228 pp. [reviewed in Reptilia GB 44: 81].
- Gray, J.E. 1825. A synopsis of the genera of reptiles and Amphibia, with a description of some new species. Annals of Philosophy, 10:193—217.
- Hartert, E. 1913. Reptiles and batrachians. Expeditions to entral Western Sahara by E. Hartert. Novitates Zoologicae 20: 76-84.